You Are The Salt Of The Earth

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

Matthew 5:13, also: Mark 9:49-50

Just a verse later, Jesus tells us, “Ye are the light of the world”.

You and I, as Christians, we are the light and salt of the world, but what exactly does that mean?

Light Of The World

Being the light of the world simply means we reflect the light of Jesus Christ, (John 9:5, 12:35). We live according to the Bible and the examples Jesus laid before us. By doing that, we are reflecting and projecting the righteousness of God to the world.

Remember my devotion about light in a dark cave?

This ties right in here.

Everyone is drawn to the comfort that light brings to a dark room.

Naturally then, people are drawn to good people. Everyone wants to be treated nicely. Everyone wants to be respected. So then, people are drawn to those who bring forward positive Christian values.

They also see their blessings and would like to obtain them for their own family as well.

By the way, blessings do not mean money.

Blessings can mean many things.

  • How about health?
  • How about a good family?
  • How about making good life decisions?

Get the idea?

All right, how about the salt part…

Salt Of The Earth

When we think about salt, we think about seasoning our food. I mean you just sprinkle some on and it comes to life! So we are to bring the world to life through Christ.

Just like the light example.

However, there is a bit more to consider when we think about salt.

In times of old, salt was really used for preservation. There were no refrigerators, right? So if you did not preserve your food with salt, it would become corrupted and rot away.

As Christians, if we are not seasoning the world with the Word of God, the world will become corrupted as there is no Christian salt to spice it up!

So think about it, if each and every one of us do not bring forward Jesus, who will?

Look at our world today, it truly needs a heavy dose of salt from Christians like you.

That means bringing forward God’s Word to the world. That means living a life based on true Christian values. That means walking with Jesus, not just talking about Jesus.

You know, talk the talk, walk the walk?

That is putting your faith in action just like we learned in James chapter 2.

Hey, people take notice of that.

They will look at your family and tell you that you are doing well. They will look at your children and compliment you for their behavior.

Who do we have to thank for that?



We thank God.

Those are blessings from above that are bestowed on us for living a Godly life.

So we can bring salt to the earth in many ways.

  • By always standing up for Jesus Christ.
  • By raising our family according to the Bible.
  • By living our life according to the Word of God.
  • By sharing that knowledge with others.

As Christians, we never allow a dark world to extinguish our light. We never allow a corrupted world to render our salt “good for nothing”.

Instead, we renew our salt as we renew our spirit, ensuring we are always seasoning the world with a positive Christian attitude and influence, (Psalms 51:10, Romans 12:2).

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