The Ripple Effect

But the word of God grew and multiplied.

Acts 12:24

As we walked along the shore of a calm lake the other day, we noticed a large ripple that began to make its way across the lake. As we continued our walk, we discovered a flock of geese were the cause.

Those ripples reminded us of the Bible.

They reminded us how subtle actions can make a big difference.

They reminded us, by just placing a few bits into the mouth of a horse, we are able to turn his entire body around, (James 3:3).

We are like those geese in a way.

As Christians, and with the blessings of God we can make changes in our world with just a little effort.

We can help make the Word of God grow and multiply by sharing with our family and friends.

Sometimes we think our actions are not helping, because from our vantage point, we cannot see the progress. We cannot see the ripples we caused by sharing God’s Word, but I guarantee you, the ripples are there.

Each time we share the Bible in the way we know best, we are causing ripples. We are sharing Truth which ripples through our family, friends, neighborhoods, and communities.

Over time, these ripples begin to bounce into one another, and before we realize it, the ripples of Truth are spreading everywhere. We can no longer see our own ripple, if we ever did, instead, we see ripples coming back in our direction.

That is the maturity of God’s Word as it continues to grow and multiple, and it started, with you…

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