Facebook Plan: Let You Control Augmented Reality With Your Thoughts

You know, this reminds me of an acid trip. No, I was never on an acid trip. Dad uses that phrase to describe creepy movies. He said, “Why would I want to watch someone else’s acid trip?” Good point Dad, why would anyone want to be apart of someone else’s acid trip?

Instead of just enjoying nature, and you know, real life. Facebook wants to fabricate an alternative universe that we can interact with. Instead of seeing real birds and nature, we want fake ones. Even worse, we want other objects to interact with that do not really exist.

Augmented reality is very odd to me. There are many games now where you look at your phone and move it around as if it were a window. You see the real reality through it, but you also see “augmented reality”. Things on your screen appear, things that are not really there. Glasses and headsets are also used to “augment” reality.

It’s fun they tell me. A good time they say. I tell you what, you can have “that” fun.

Staring at a screen all day is not my idea of a good time. I do that enough working on this site, which actually is a good time. But I don’t have dancing pink elephants on my screen either.

Here is a clip from an MSN article about this,

Facebook is researching how to take minute nerve movements in your arm and translate them into gesture controls for your gadgets. The idea announced Thursday would help the social networking giant launch augmented reality glasses, which would rely on new ways to control computers and interact with the virtual world.

That is what enslavement sounds like to me. New ways to keep you glued to your screen. Then you can purchase more crap you found on Facebook to keep that giant growing.

I tell you what.

Our World Events and the Bible Facebook page was pretty much automated. However, I checked in on it from time to time, and most of the things I saw on there was just plain trash. All I did was check on our page; comments, messages, etc. It felt like such a waste of time, and really depressed my mood seeing what is being peddled for truth. It feels so good to have canned that platform.

Now, I no longer have to even see their logo.

You know, I have received some feedback from readers who finally quit Facebook.

You know what they said to me?

It was hard to quit, but when they did, they felt so free! They could not have imagined the freeness they now fell. There you have it. Long before Facebook, our world seemed to be far better off. People communicated more, people showed off less. It was just a better world, one that my family and I enjoy by removing things contrary to our Christian lifestyle.

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