Fossil Discoveries Mean It’s Time To Rewrite Evolution… Again

Two recent fossil discoveries are shaking up the scientific community once again. In fact, some are calling the skull found in China, dubbed ”Dragon Man”, as “one of the most important” within the last million years. While a fossil find from Israel has caused quite the stir as well.

Fossils found in China and Israel dating from around 140,000 years ago are adding to the ranks of hominins that mixed and mingled with early modern humans.

The fossils from Israel hint that a previously unknown group of hominins, proposed to be the direct ancestors of Neanderthals, might have dominated life in the Levant and lived alongside Homo sapiens.


Hominins are a group of sub-humans that science claims you evolved from. That would be the ape looking creatures science presents us with, or Neanderthal men. For the record, no one has ever found a Neanderthal man with skin and hair as we are commonly shown. That is the artwork of atheists trying to convince you there is no God.

I find it interesting that these “new” species of hominins lived alongside Homo sapiens, that would be us.

Now if we evolved from Neanderthals and what not, why on earth are Neanderthals and Homo sapiens found together?

I will leave that for you to ponder…

Look what the Nature article says next.

But both findings have sparked debate among scientists. The studies are based on analyses of the size, shape and structure of fossilized bones — methods that are subject to individual judgement and interpretation. As is often the case for fossil finds, there is no DNA evidence.

Just so you know, and as confirmed here. Evolution is based on “methods that are subject to individual judgement and interpretation”. Really, this should not surprise any of us. Nevertheless, the evolutionary science community is in an uproar over the interpretation of these bones.

You see, for some, it’s going to destroy their evolutionary model. For others, it will cause them to come up with another rationale to explain evolution, while it destroys the whole concept for others.

Since 2000, the view of human evolution during the past half a million years has become ever-more complicated as researchers have added to the list of species in the genus Homo that lived in the Middle and Late Pleistocene.

When things become complicated, that means there is an underlying problem. That would be the concept of evolution to begin with.

The article begins to pin down for us the problem with these two recent finds.

These species overlapped in time with modern humans (H. sapiens), which are thought to have emerged from Africa and spread into Israel and other regions some 200,000 years ago, and Neanderthals.

More talk that these species overlapped with modern humans.

How could we evolve from such species, if we all lived together?

Things have become so confusing…

Jeffrey Schwartz, an anthropologist and evolutionary biologist at the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania thinks too many fossils are being incorrectly categorized as modern humans.

He says,

Many of these fossils are very, very different from each other.

Now for the best part,

I think we should start from scratch

It’s pretty damaging to a theory when there are constant discoveries that challenge the entire evolutionary concept. Even more damaging when one of your own says everything should be reanalyzed “from the beginning”.

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