Did Florida Sneak Forced Vaccination Into Senate Bill?

I found a troubling headline spread across the internet a few days ago that I wanted to bring to your attention. The accusation, in signing the recent vaccine passport ban, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis enabled a provision that allows forced vaccination.

This all seemed odd to me, but nothing surprises me these days.

Nevertheless, it’s not true, but I want to show you how I arrived at that conclusion.

The vaccine passport ban is Florida’s, SB 2006.

Now if you open that bill, scroll down to the bottom under “Bill Text” and note the various revisions of the bill. The latest version that was signed is; “S 2006 er 4/30/2021 4:12 PM”.

Click on the “Web Page” format.

Now the portion of the bill that has everyone scared begins on line 1104.

Here is the troubling text.

1104 a. Examination, testing, vaccination, or treatment may be
1105 performed by any qualified person authorized by the State Health
1106 Officer.
1107 b. If the individual poses a danger to the public health,
1108 the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation
1109 or quarantine. If there is no practical method to isolate or
1110 quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use any
1111 means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual.

That is very concerning.

However, what else did you notice within the bills text?

Green and red text.

The red portions of text are where those statements were struck from existing bills. The green texts is what has been added to existing bills.

Anything in plain text was already a part of an existing bill. So Florida did not “sneak” anything in, this provision has been a part of Florida law since at least 2017.

Let me prove that to you.

Within the bill we are looking at, SB2006, note line 129, it reads.

cross-reference; amending s. 381.00315, F.S.; revising

This tells us, there is an amendment being made to bill s. 381.00315, F.S. (Florida Senate). In fact, from line 1 through 156, it explains amendments to other bills.

So I took the liberty to go find bill s. 381.00315, F.S. which not only identifies the bill, but the section as well. If you clicked that link, you will note in the top left corner, “2017 Florida Statutes”.

So we can see this amendment pertains to a 2017 Florida bill that has been in effect for 4 years already.

As you begin to read the bill text, it states,

381.00315 Public health advisories; public health emergencies; isolation and quarantines.”

So we are now reading the bill and section that was cited within SB 2006, the bill in question.

Note what it says under heading “4.”

If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation or quarantine. If there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use any means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual.

The same exact phrase that we are told was “snuck” into the vaccine passport ban bill.

So in reality, this disturbing phrase has been a part of Florida law for 4 years now. It was not just “snuck” in.

Unfortunately, fear-mongering articles are causing a lot of good people to get sucked into lies. When they repeat this information to others who know better, they simply get disregarded.

Instead, Floridians should be asking their legislature why such text already exists, and why it was not removed.

Instead of doing that, people will be regurgitating lies masquerading as truth. These type of things do not help build truth, it only destroys the truth and our attempts to shine light on darkness.

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