General Robert E. Lee, Lewis And Clark Statues Removed In Charlottesville

Saturday, in Charlottesville Virginia, statues of General Robert E. Lee, and Lewis and Clark were removed.

Cheers erupted Saturday as a Confederate statue that towered for nearly a century over downtown Charlottesville was carted away by truck from the Virginia city where it had become a flashpoint for racist protests and deadly violence.


So we have more historical monuments being removed in our nation. The left just continues to win, over and over again without a response from the right. Virtually no one had a problem with this monument until the last couple of years. Certainly, last year’s racist riots across our country helped lead to this moment.

The press coverage spoke positively about those who supported the removal of the statue. Meanwhile, they smeared the right, and only mentioned a gathering in 2017 called “Unite the Right” which consisted only of “neo-Nazis, skinheads, Klansmen and other racist groups”. Perfect, so those on the right are racist scum.

We all know this is a mainstream campaign to smear the politically aligned right.

Hey, we are conservative minded folks who love God and the Constitution of the United States. Today, that’s not such a popular thing, according to the mainstream media and your liberal government. Nevertheless, we are not racist, we love everybody as Christ loved everybody.

I want to add another quote on this one from “a Black high school student, Zyahna Bryant” who said,

To the young people out there, I hope that this empowers you to speak up on the issues that matter, and to take charge in your own cities and communities.

He was speaking of the liberal cause which helped bring down this statue. However, you should take his words to heart. If conservative people continue to sit on their hands, the radical liberal globalists will gladly take the power away from you.

On to the Lewis and Clark monumont.

The city of Charlottesville, Va., followed up its removal of two controversial Confederate statues Saturday with the lightning-fast toppling of a third local landmark: a monumental tribute to explorers Meriwether Lewis, William Clark and Sacagawea.

In an emergency meeting called with 20 minutes’ notice, the Charlottesville City Council voted unanimously to cancel another piece of public art targeted by left-wing activists.

Fox News

So the City Council of Charlottesville put together an emergency meeting and voted unanimously to remove the Lewis and Clark statue. This clearly shows they too are overran with liberals who seek to destroy our United States.

By continuing to erase our nation’s history, it is essentially being re-written. Today, our Founding Fathers are called racists which paints them in the colors of the enemy. That means our Constitution is under attack, our freedoms are under attack, and if you disagree with the radicals in power, then you are an enemy of the state.

For me, it’s as obvious as day. The right and left are completely incompatible at this point. We can no longer work together on anything. What they deem racism, we deem history and something important to remember.

If we cannot work together, we are divided nation.

If a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.

Mark 3:24
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