I No Longer Believe This, A Heartfelt Correction

If you have read this site for any length of time, I am sure you recall me saying, “I constantly challenge my beliefs”. This helps ensure what I believe, and in turn, what I share with all of you is true and accurate. It’s just another way that “iron sharpeneth iron” as the good Book explains.

So every day I try to learn a little more about the Bible and the world. The more I learn, the more I challenge myself by analyzing long held beliefs. If my beliefs are true, then no matter what I learn from Scripture, there will be no conflict.

This is my sanity check, to ensure what I believe is true and accurate.

This brings me to the point of this letter.

Last year, I decided to start re-writing our Bible study about the synagogue of Satan. My approach is to always re-study from the ground up. This ensures I do not go in with any preconceived notions, it rightfully allows Scripture to lead the way.

As I began to re-examine this subject and compile notes, I became troubled by my findings. I discovered things I somehow managed to overlook in the past. I learned some of the things I thought were true, were not, things that were only revealed by reanalyzing this subject after many years.

Without that critical step, I would not be the wiser.

So I thank God for that, as Scripture has come together for me like never before. Some questions I had in the past, have now been answered. Scripture just seems more focused and aligned, without any trouble spots.

If the only one who knew what I believe about the Bible was myself, I would be overjoyed. However, I have shared many of the things I believe with all of you on this website. That means, I explained this subject incorrectly, and for that, my heart grieves with sorrow.

I cannot explain to you the feeling of coming to the realization that you have taught incorrectly. It truly feels like your heart has been ripped from your chest, or as if it’s about to seize. It quite literally makes you sick to your stomach, knowing, the damage is already done. There is nothing you can do, you cannot go back, you can only make it right through God, and move forward.

Through prayer though, I feel healed in my spirit, thanks to God, and must now come to you with my admission.

For many years now, I have explained the synagogue of Satan are some of the Jews, who are the literal children of Satan. I have also explained some of the Jews are the Kenites. In one study, I stated the point of the Parable of the Wheat and Tares was about Satan literally creating children.

I no longer believe that.

More importantly, I believe Scripture teaches quite the contrary.

For clarification: My position concerning Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden has not changed, nor has my position concerning the Fallen Angels.

With this admission, I would like to apologize to you. Friends, I am dreadfully sorry for my error. If I could take it back, believe me I would, but I cannot. I can only move on and do my best to make it right. I cannot say I am sorry enough, many of you know how serious I take the work I have set out to do. So again, I am very sorry for my error, and I hope you can forgive me.

At this point, I have completed two works that I will be sharing with all of you to outline how I came to these conclusions.

The first is a Bible Question that concerns John 8:44 and a conversation Jesus had with the Jews, (Publish date: Saturday, July 31st, Now published: Why Did Jesus Say Jews Were Children Of The Devil?).

The second is a Bible Study, the re-writing of the synagogue of Satan study, simply titled, The Synagogue of Satan, (Publish date: Sunday, August 8th, Now published: The Synagogue Of Satan).

As for the Parable of the Wheat and Tares, I do not have a planned study as this was not something commonly explained. However, if you would like to know why I no longer hold the aforementioned belief, I will gladly explain. Just ask.

Update 8-3: A study on the Parable of the Wheat and Tares has been written. It will be published on Saturday, August 14th, (Now published: Does The Parable Of The Tares Describe Satan’s Children?).

That outlines some of the steps of correction. The other step was the removal of all studies and articles that mentioned those beliefs. As of this writing, nearly all of these works are already back online after appropriate edits. The very few remaining, will be addressed and brought back online shortly.

I realize I am not in a position to ask anything of you. However, if you ever truly believed I am a good man, as many of you have said over the years. If this site has ever helped you, then I ask that you grant me that, and hear me out. Read the studies I have prepared, and then make up your own mind. It is all I have ever requested of you.

It is my hope, that through this letter and these new studies, that you will learn something from my mistake and admission.

At times, we are all going to fall short, and we all will make mistakes.

This is how we mature and grow in life…

By acknowledging our mistakes, correcting them, and overcoming them through God. So if there is only one thing in all of this that you learn, I hope that is it.

Friends, I also want you to understand, studying, and discussing the Bible is not about formulating ideologies and ensuing world views that we seek to protect for fear of altering our Belief system. 

Studying the Bible means, sometimes Scripture may indicate our worldview is incorrect. We then must confront it through pray and rectify our worldview in order to come into harmony with Scripture once again. Failing to do that means, we fail God, ourselves, and others.

I am sure some of you might be wondering, What does this mean? What will change?

The fact is, nothing changes.

Satan is and has always been the enemy of God’s people. Satan does and has always used the wicked of the world to accomplish his tasks.

Let me share Ephesians 2:2 with you to clarify,

Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

Satan is the prince of the power of the air. Satan is the god of this world who has always worked in the “children of disobedience”, being, those who refuse to acknowledge and follow God, specifically, the wicked of the world, (2 Corinthians 4:4). Those who take pleasure in unrighteousness, (2 Thessalonians 2:12).

So overall, nothing changes about the message I have, and will continue to share with you.

That is what this site has always been about. Me sharing with you what I believe to be true about the Bible and the world. It has always been a place that attempts to help you make sense of the Bible and this crazy world. A place where you can learn a little. Laugh a little, and even cry a little.

A place where you can find kind hearted brothers and sister in Christ to get you through a difficult time. A place where many of us have grown together and learned from one another. For as much as you may have learned from me, I have learned so much from you.

If I may, I would like to share a personal moment with you.

As I completed the last Bible Study previously mentioned, I went through and read every single chapter I cited within these studies. To ensure I made no errors, and that nothing was taken out of context. The last chapter to read was Ecclesiastes 1, with the last verse being 18, it reads,

For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.

My eyes lite up, and I smiled as I read that verse, it offered much comfort during this difficult time and how it reminded me of Revelation 10:9-10.

The more we learn about Scripture and our world, it truly becomes bitter and grievous to us, and when we get Scripture wrong, and we are corrected by it, the sorrow and pain is immense.

Such are the sufferings of those who share God’s Word with others. Though I would not trade it for the world. Having the opportunity to share God’s Word with you is a blessing, one I have never, nor will ever take for granted.

The reason, everything in this world is temporary, except for His Holy Word. It truly is the only thing that matters, and the only thing that will endure for all time. It is the only source of knowledge that can bring Eternal Life through God’s Son, Jesus Christ.

I want the world to know about that, and I want to be a part of that positive effort of Christ’s to save souls from damnation, even though I will stumble at times and error.

Friends, I hope you know that, understand that, and truly know how I feel about the Bible and all of you. With that, I must say, I am sorry one more time.

Your Brother in Christ,

Brandon T. Ward

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