Iran Vows Revenge After Assassination Of Top Nuclear Scientist

Update: Now an Iranian Commander was assassinated via a drone strike.

We have all heard the news by now, “someone” assassinated another Iranian Nuclear Scientist. Iran is saying they will get revenge “at the proper time” which means never.

This comes just days after President Trump was looking for options to take out Iran. So we all know this is no coincidence. Either the United States or Israel assassinated this Iranian scientist.

This is simply more theater, more build-up that we have witnessed for years. Speaking of more build-up, the U.S. has moved a carrier group into the Persian Gulf.

The History

For years we have been told Iran was going to irradiate an American city via a suitcase nuke.

It never happened.


Iran does not have the capability, nor do they even care to do so. We have shown our readers over the years Iran’s military. It is a joke, from their “drones” to their “submarines” and “navy vessels”.

Of course, if you listen to the mainstream media they will tell you otherwise. That should not be a surprise, look what they are telling you about COVID.

A Further Look

Some new readers are probably curious if this ties into the Bible, the answer is yes. You can read our Bible study titled, “Daniel’s Vision: The Ram And The Goat” for the details.

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