Mega drought: Hoover Dam Water Level Lowest Ever

For years, I recall hearing how low the water level was in the Hoover Dam. Now, they are telling us the water level has reached a record low.

Thursday’s level is about four feet below the level that would trigger a federal declaration of a water shortage which would cut water supplies to Arizona, Nevada and Mexico.

Not only does the dam provide water for some 25 million people, but it also provides power for 8 million people. Less water means less power.

Climate Change And Reality

Of course, they are blaming the water shortage on climate change. Something I am quite tired of hearing about. I lived in the Northern California region for many decades. I can tell you, we have pretty much always been in drought.

You know why?

It’s a dry land.

If you don’t believe me, ask the Blue Oaks who survive on the water their roots collect in winter. They store this water in their roots and use it all during the 100% dry summer heat that consistantly hits 100 plus degrees. All without a drop of rain. I was always facinated by that, God designed them this way.

Now I will say, we certainly saw less rainfall over the years, and watched lake levels constantly hit record lows. All lakes in the region we lived and visited were really low the last 5-7 years it seemed.

The weather patterns certainly became a bit drier.

However, that is far from proof of manmade climate change. The earth constantly goes through cycles, and let’s face it. While we had 3-4 really dry years, we would have record flooding in other years to make up the difference. I am sure you recall mud-slide stories from California in the national news.

The west is nationally a dry place compared to the east, which seems to be doing just fine on temps and water.

We should also factor in water mismanagement which has always been a problem as well, with dam operators releasing too much water.

Hoover Dam Inadequate For Population Size

To bring us back to the Hoover Dam, we should also remember it was built in 1930. When the dam was constructed, it was not with the thought in mind to serve 25 million people with water. The population has outgrown the water source, and instead of the media bringing this point to light.

They go with the climate change narrative.

Do you know why?

What is the climate change agenda all about?

Global change for good.

Who owns the media, those pushing climate change.

Conflict of interest?

Of course!

So climate change spurs the globalization movement.

You know, Nations of the world working together to make the world a better place. We saw how well that worked out during the COVID pandemic. Nations took away our freedoms all in the name of safety. Today, they tell us we have a drought due to climate change.

Therefore, we can expect more government intervention that will not benefit the people. California is the hardest hit by drought, and wouldn’t you know it… California has the most population of any state in the union, nearly 40 million people.

Climate change, or overpopulation without proper infrastructure, you decide.

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