Money Is Losing Its Meaning

Yahoo has an article about money-losing its meaning. Money lost its meaning along time ago due to government intervention. I am talking about bailouts and so on.

Look at this example of Japan’s money supply.

Japan shows their aggregate money supply had already more than doubled to $80 trillion from before the 2008-2009 financial crisis.

Their money supply has doubled to $80 trillion since 2009. It’s not like they struck it rich, they just created more fake money. Then from the same article, we have this thought.

Former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker once said in an interview that “it is a governmental responsibility to maintain the value of the currency they issue. And when they fail to do that, it is something that undermines an essential trust in government.”

Government through private banks like the Federal Reserve have undermined public trust. They have abused the system bailing out companies that should have been forced to fail.

At this point many people are thinking…

Why can some people create money and have it made, while I have to shovel dirt all day… This is promoting socialist ideals and thoughts. We are headed to a bad place.

The End Of Cash

That brings us to this article about the end of cash.

The article explains how nations and people are moving more and more toward a cashless society. We all do it, yet, we should always have cash available to us as a form of payment.

It provides us with freedoms and the unobstructed use of our money. A cashless system can easily be controlled from a central location and lock you out of your account.

Looking at today’s world, none of this is hard to envision any longer.


Tie these two topics together…

We see money has lost its meaning, and we need a cashless society. Governments and the mainstream media have planted their seed in our mind so we are more accepting of the next financial system that will potentially rise from the ashes of the current global financial system.

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