No News, Let’s Just Talk

I am not going to post any news today, instead I am going to explain some of what I saw today and what the rest of you are seeing as well.

In 13 days, I have seen our nation go from semi-normal to chaos. I have seen law enforcement be turned into the enemy and more of our monuments become desecrated and toppled. I am told this is being done in the name of peace and love, and is being done to stop racism.

This reminds me of Daniel 8:25, 11:21, 24 to name a few. Through peace, many will be destroyed. Right now we are seeing friends and families become destroyed, something Jesus told us would happen in Matthew 10:35.

Friendships And Families Broken

My wife had enough yesterday and shared the Candace Owens video with her group of ol friends and acquaintances on Facebook. Several did not care for the video as Candace is pro-Trump and Conservative. When my wife politely pressed for a valid reason to disagree with Candace, they could not provide one.

Typical. Rage has no thought process, all it knows is rage.

Last night my wife passed her phone to me a couple of times showing me what some of her friends were saying. Finally, I saw some people speaking out against this madness. Everyone else must be in agreement with the rioters, because I hardly hear anyone speak out. Yes, silence is agreement.

One lady’s childhood friend spewed endless black racism on her Facebook page. A childhood friend who was like family apparently. Little did my wife’s friend know, her childhood friend always felt racist or changed somewhere down the road.

Another post was of a law enforcement wife who explains her husband is being mentally beat down by this crisis. She explained, he is used to be cussed at etc, but not for 12 hours, 12 days straight including thrown objects and attempted harm upon him.

Both of these ladies are Christian by the way, and comforted their readers with a reminder of Jesus at the end of their posts.

Law Enforcement Becomes The Enemy

Before I read that last message, I had been thinking about law enforcement. On this blog, I have often pointed out when law enforcement abuses their power, or when law enforcement receives tactical gear. Those things are wrong for the police department.

However, I have also pointed out kind acts by law enforcement. More kind acts occur than we ever hear about as our society preys on evil, as if they enjoy it.

Yes, we all know there are some bad cops. There are bad doctors, lawyers, and so on as well, but we do not throw them all away over it, right? Of course not, that would be doing the same thing some blacks are complaining about in the first place. We all get and understand that.

Back to the cops. While I have encountered some real bad cops, I have encountered far more good ones. Since society will never be perfect, we need law enforcement. Take a look around. Who will protect you when there are no cops? Defunding the police departments is something being proposed, but is a radical idea and disaster waiting to happen.

Now society is treating our boys in blue like they are second class citizens. I saw an article where a taco shop had several employees who quit rather than serve law enforcement. Sick.

As I continued to browse the news, I saw a cross was erased from a mural because well, it symbolized Jesus Christ. I mean anything that is right, is being flipped upside down and kicked out of the road.

Out with the old, and in with the new.

A New World

The new will not be a utopia for you, but for a new radical ideology. For years we have shared stories with you about our changing world. All of those events, and events from before my time were all precursors to what we are witnessing today. We have slowly been conditioned for this moment.

As I gauge the events unfolding before us, I take a step back and wonder, are these precursors to something major? Every Christian on the planet jumped to that conclusion 20, 30, 40 years ago. Each event is some major sign of the Tribulation. Yet, we have seen events come, and events go. We thought they meant something, but they meant nothing.

Even today, denominations the world over think God sent COVID-19 on the world. That truly shows where our spiritual leaders frame of mind is.

That is why we always take a step back, relax and analyze the situation.

I am not going to rehash 2020 for you, you can read the archive. I will say, COVID-19 is a global event. The riots are also becoming a global event. When events become global, that is when our ears should perk up. The Tribulation will be a global event, not local, not national, global. When events become global, when people become in agreement with things contrary to Jesus Christ globally, those are what we are looking for. Those things are taking shape right now…

It is worth noting, most nations are not multi-racial or multi-cultural. That is something mainly attributed to the Christian nations of the world, by design I might add. So the riots will occur in those places first and we are already seeing that.

As of right now, we are seeing the riots become a global event, they could spread to non-Christian nations as well. That would only confirm the change taking place across the globe.

The word unprecedented has now become cliche, but that is the only word I can think of that describes what is happening to our world.

When I think about how mixed up the world is right now, I think about verses like 2 Timothy 3:1-5, and I think about,

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:20

At this point, I can guarantee you one thing. Whatever is coming on the earth is not good, Jesus Christ and belief in Him has no place in the world where we are going. Hold on tight, the waters are beginning to get rough.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, That ye shall weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice: and ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy.

John 16:20
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