Middle East War Front Escalates, What Next?

The Middle East is beginning to boil over.

The kids and I were playing finance last night when we noticed S&P 500 futures start to tank. We knew right away, Israel attacked Iran. Sure enough, we pulled up a few websites and vague details started to pour in. We even caught a couple of interviews, one by a U.S. General.

As of this writing, the details are still vague…

Reports say, an Israeli missile struck Isfahan, Iran. The Iranians also stated they shot down several Israeli drones. Now what’s interesting, is right away we saw footage of a webcam in Isfahan and it looked like a normal day. Sunny, cars driving around, no signs of an attack.

To be fair, the camera was only facing in one direction.

I’m not saying an attack didn’t happen, I’m just saying, it must have been limited in scope. Interestingly enough, Israel told the U.S., their response to Iran’s retaliatory strike against the Israelis would be “limited.”

However, prior to this event, Iran said if Israel attacks them, Iran’s response will be immediate and swift. We’ll see if that’s all talk, hopefully it was. If not, we can expect the pot to continue to boil over. You know how kitchen fires go… They can get out of hand pretty quickly, if you’re not careful.

So the world continues to go to heck in a handbasket.

One other interesting note…

Before the strike, the Israelis said, with Jewish Passover right around the corner, they planned to delay a strike on Iran to give their people some peace. I had a hunch that was a decoy, it was.

Also, there are reports Congress is already preparing a $14 billion dollar aid package for Israel. That was before the Israel strike. I tell you what, it’s utterly astounding to me… We already provide Israel with $4 billion a year, yet, here’s $14 billion more.

Don’t we have enough of our own problems?

We do, but then again, we own the printing press, so we’ll print, print, print our way to prosperity.

Ahh, but let’s get back to Israel…

Right now, they’re in a hot mess. Clearly, they cannot handle it on their own, that’s why the United States provides all their weapons. They are a micronation that cannot build such sophisticated weaponry on their own.

Now, consider what’s going on…

We all know what happened on October 7th… Hamas attacked Israel which triggered a big mess, not that Israel is innocent in this. I’ve talked at length about this in the past. Regardless, Israel is now at war in Gaza, and they’re fighting off Hezbollah in the north, while striking various targets in Syria, and now, Iran.

That’s a lot of war and death for a nation smaller than New Jersey.

It should really make everyone ask themself, why can’t Israel get along with its neighbors and vice versa? Again, this is a topic I’ve discussed many-o-time.

At the same time, the United States finds itself in a hot mess as well…

Not only are we funding Israel’s war efforts in Gaza — and now Iran — while saying, “Don’t do that…” We’re also funding the Ukrainians in their war against Russia. Think about all the innocent lives and families that have been destroyed. Think about all the money being thrown at these theaters.

And all for what?

It really makes your head spin.

To me, it’s extremely clear…

The United States is sowing discord in our world.

If that were not true, then we wouldn’t be funding these wars. The more we fund, the more death and escalation that will arise. Let’s face it, Ukraine offers us natural resources and a strategic spot next to Russia. Then again, NATO — which is the U.S. — already has that via other NATO members.

To a military strategist or globalist though, this all makes sense.

However, how does the Israel bit fit in?…

I mean, what do they have to offer?

What has Israel ever done for America?

Not a thing.

The only thing they have done is make your taxes go up due to the billions in foreign aid we provide them. All so they can blow up innocent people. Sometimes, I wish it was the Stone Age. Then people could fight their own wars, and pay for them.

But enough of that rationalization…

There’s a very high likelihood that Israel’s strike will continue to escalate war in the Middle East. Hey, when Iran attacked them last week, that was the first time in history. So we have all sorts of bad mojo unfolding right now. If the Iranians allow the strike to pass, now they’ll look weak.

So it makes you wonder what’s going to happen next…

One thing is certain, we’ve past the era of nations being at peace and appear to be entering an era where nations, once again, wage war with one another.

Come Lord Jesus come.

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