Isn’t Passover A Jewish Holiday?

Name: Rick Craft
Question: Isn’t Passover a Jewish day? Wasn’t God speaking to the Jews? How can I know if He was speaking to ALL, Everyone.

This may be pretty simple but I need clarity 🙂


Answer: Thank you for the question Rick.

The first thing we should realize is Jesus and the Disciples celebrated passover.

Luke 22:8
And he sent Peter and John, saying, Go and prepare us the passover, that we may eat.

Since Jesus celebrated passover, why shouldn’t we?

Now, we don’t slaughter lambs anymore as Jesus became our Passover Lamb, (1 Corinthians 5:7).

That simply means, Jesus fulfilled the passover of old. Christ removed all blood sacrifices that were formerly required of the Israelites, (Exo 20:22-24, 29:1, 10-12, Col 2:14, 20, Heb 9:9-10, 10:8-9). Jesus replaced those sacrifices, by becoming the sacrifice on the cross.

So to answer your first question, Christians should celebrate Christian Passover, as Jesus and the Disciples celebrated passover. We don’t slaughter lambs. Instead, we remember The Lamb who was sacrificed for the redemption of our sins, (Joh 1:29, 36, 1 Pe 1:19, Rev 5:12). We take Communion to do that, (1 Corinthians 11:23-26).

Unfortunately, most Christians celebrate easter today, which is surrounded by paganism. That’s where the bunnies and eggs come from, not the Bible.

Today, when most Christians hear “passover,” they think of Jewish passover. I get that. The unfortunate fact here is, the term “passover” has been monopolized by the Jews. Even the word “Jews” has been monopolized, and it is constantly applied incorrectly.

That brings us to your second question.

Wasn’t God Speaking To The Jews About Passover?

Today, the word “Jew” is really misconstrued from its original meaning, which concerned ancestry. These days, the word “Jew” is used to identify someone of Judean ancestry, their national identity to Israel, or their adherence to Judaism.

That is not Biblically accurate, and it causes confusion. In fact, that’s why we are having this conversation.

This confusion has taught Christians to use the word “Jew” to identify all “Hebrews,” who are also called “Israelites,” being the descendants of Abraham. The problem is, the word “Jew” originates from the Tribe of Judah, which was just one of the 12 Tribes of Israel.

Your take away, it’s incorrect to use the word “Jew” to identify all ancient Israelites.

So when God told Moses to celebrate passover, God was speaking with Moses who was a Levite, not a Judean. God’s instructions were for all Israelites to celebrate passover, (Exodus 12:3, 6, 47). While these tribes still exist in some fashion today, we know this “seed” of Abraham is fulfilled in those who have accepted Jesus Christ, (Galatians 3:16, 3:27-29).

This means, all Christians become of Abraham, which means all Christians become spiritual Israelites, (Romans 4:13-16). That is why “all Israel shall be saved”, as “they are not all Israel, which are of Israel,” (Romans 9:6, 11:26). We may not be of literal Israelite ancestry today, but if we have accepted Jesus, we are all saved, and we are all spiritual Israelites.

That’s truly the only thing that matters.

If we have not accepted Jesus, we are spiritually dead and destined for that Great Fire you may have read about.

Therefore, God’s words to Moses certainly apply to Christians today. Just as He told Moses not to murder or worship idols and other gods. I guarantee you, if you do, God’s going to put a bruisin’ on you.


Today, Christians commonly recognize easter as the time to remember Jesus Christ. However, this day has been polluted with symbols of paganism. Yet, we are told, “we do it for the kids”. That is exactly what Jesus told us would happen, (Matthew 15:9).

When we celebrate Christian Passover, we adhere to God’s instructions to Moses, and we recognize its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. We also obtain a deeper and richer understanding of the Bible, from the Old Testament to the New Testament.

As Christians, our purpose is to believe in Jesus and accept Him as our personal Savior. It is also to adhere to “every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD,” (Deuteronomy 8:3, Matthew 4:4).

Take comfort in knowing, the entire Bible is for all people to accept and cherish, it is the Word of God, (Rom 15:4, 1 Co 10:11, 2 Tim 3:16-17, 2 Pet 1:21).

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