Think Outside Of The Box

Do people ever think outside of the box anymore?

I don’t know if that actually happens these days. A lot of people say they do. They will even say they know “the truth,” but we must realize. Everyone says that! Everyone says they know “the truth”. If you’re lucky, one day, you will know “the truth” too.

It’s really silly to me.

People will break ranks with their family and friends over their version of the truth. In most cases, that’s exactly what it is. Your version of the truth, versus their version of the truth. We will fight and bicker about even the smallest of matters.

So much so, we cast aside our family and friends over it.


  • Why can people not disagree on a subject, but still have a relationship?
  • Why must a certain subject be some defining point that divides all?

I will never understand that, or be able to answer those questions for you.

I suppose, “You just cannot see the truth”. You will get that response even if you once believed as someone else, but no longer believe due to some new fact or information.

Realms Of Truth

This monopoly on truth has really escalated in the modern era. It’s reinforced by the mainstream media, social media, and so on.

People will seek out what they already believe to be true. They gravitate to these online realms where there are many, many other people who hold the same “truth” they possess. So it makes their truth seem even more real and believable.

A truth, that no one else knows.

A truth, that only you are lucky enough or smart enough to possess.

Everyone else is dumb, stupid, and brainwashed, but not you. You purveyor of truth you.

People the world over act as if their truth is the only truth in existence.

I often wonder how many of them venture out of these realms, into the realm of the opposing view. I wonder if they even realize other realms outside of their own exist.

Think Outside Of The Box

You see, someone’s argument for some version of truth sounds absolutely outstanding if you only hear it from the purveyors of said truth. However, if you ever allow yourself the opportunity to think outside of the box…

Well then, you will hear the other guy’s side of the debate which may just destroy your, truth. In most cases, you don’t even need to hear someone else. You just need to reverse the questions you ask yourself, to prove your own truth.

Instead of saying,

  • “Said belief is true because of a, b, and c.”
  • Also say, “Said belief is not true because of x, y, and z.”

Analyze your own truth! See if it holds up.

Ahh, but we don’t think outside of the box!


Hey, we already have it figured out. They are wrong and we are right, right?

I see this in every aspect of life.

Yet, no one ever stops to tell you to, “Think outside of the box”.


Instead, they would rather tell you what to believe and why you should believe it. They are never going to tell you to question your own argument. They will never tell you to listen to the other side.

They Say This Is The Truth

This happens in liberal news and conservative news. This happens in your church house and in your living room. Ohh, and in those online realms, we talked about.

Most of us will just pick a side of the argument. We may alter it a bit to fit into our own worldview. I don’t care if you’re a conservative or liberal. That’s only the pillar of your political beliefs.

From there, we are broken down into many categories. Some of us are Christian and some are atheists. We then have more realms we can venture into, to back up and build our faith in our own worldview.

  • If you’re a Christian conservative, chances are you follow God to the best of your ability and you love small government. It also means you might buy into a lot more non-true elements of this world while you try to figure out, “the truth”.
  • If you’re a liberal, chances are you hate God or water down His Word. You love big government and think everyone in the world deserves a right to live in America. Illegal or not. You also think it’s your duty and responsibility to push your “truth” on everyone else.

The funny part there is, Christian conservatives were accused of the same thing many years ago. So in the end, everyone really just wants to push their belief system on everyone else.


When you get right down to it, most people want everyone else to believe as they do.

That’s why there is a 24/7 news cycle. To build and control a narrative. To brainwash you one way or another. Hence why we have social media outlets of all shapes and sizes. Which include various realms for just about everyone.

Of course, when it comes to big corporations, they don’t care what you little fish believe. Their goal is to persuade you into their ideals, their truth. These days, if you don’t accept their truth, well, you get kicked off the platform.

Once again proving, we want everyone to believe what we believe.

We want to control the narrative and reshape the world. “Darn your truth because mine is the only one that matters”. That’s what most people and corporations are really saying these days.

Yet, if we all just stopped, and thought outside of the box, how much better off would we be?

Evaluate Yourself

We might listen long enough to realize, there is a new angle we never considered before. We might have enough silence to consider and evaluate our own belief system. We might even have enough free time to think about nothing at all, just gazing at a sunset or a starry night.

That last part might seem pretty boring for today’s generation though.

We live in a fast paced world where news changes by the microsecond.

If you don’t check it quickly, you just might miss out on more “truth” that no one else knows about!

All that really means is, there is news and facts to condition you to someone else’s line of thinking. Or to simply reaffirm what you already believe. In nearly all cases, people believe what someone else told them to believe.

People rarely if ever go fact-check it. If it fits in with what they already believe. Well then, just tuck-er-away in the mind as fact. Then we seek out more information that aligns with said truth.

At the end of the day though…

  • Does it really matter?
  • Does our version of the truth really matter?
  • What differences are we making with our truth?

True story.

I was 19 years old sitting in the councilor’s office at a college. I knew I needed to do something with my life. I didn’t want to work in construction. So I was trying to figure out if that was the college for me.

The counselor said,

What is knowledge?

I looked him square in the eye and said,

Knowledge is power.

He seemed impressed by the response.

I will always remember that moment. Looking back at that glimpse of time, it’s the one truth that will always be, true. Knowledge is power. The more knowledge you have, the more power you possess.

That means being well-rounded in many aspects. Otherwise, your knowledge is very limited.

It also means using that knowledge for some good. Otherwise, your knowledge is not power.

So ask yourself those three questions above once more.

How much does your truth matter and what are you doing with it?

If you are just sitting on it, hoard it to yourself without making a positive impact in the world.

  • Is your truth really worth dividing yourself from others over?
  • Does that make you a better more knowledgeable person?
  • Does it help further God’s Kingdom on earth?

I have a hunch this article will not be well received by many.

You see, many of us just want to absorb things we think are truthful without analyzing them. We really don’t want to do the heavy lifting, and we sure don’t want uncomfortable philosophical arguments like this.

Do you know why?

It means we have to take responsibility and accountability.

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