Topic: Faith


Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God

It’s so easy to seek after the world, or worry about the troubles it brings. Yet, if we seek first the kingdom of God, our earthly troubles will disappear.


Fight The Good Fight Of Faith

Christianity is not just about faith, that is only the beginning. Christianity is about fighting a good fight for Jesus by taking action and accountability.


The Sea And The Waves Roaring

These days, it can be difficult to make sense of our world. Yet, Jesus offered some prophetical words that we can apply to the days we find ourselves in.

Christian Basics

As The World Falls Apart, Remember…

As the world falls further away from God, it becomes that much closer to Satan. There is a great divide separating us from friends, family, and even Christians.

Christian Basics

Learn To Be A Berean

As Christians, we enjoy fellowship, but remember, our allegiance is to God’s Word. We should be like the Bereans who searched the Scriptures daily.


If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments

If we love Christ, then we follow His Commandments. Such a simple phrase, but difficult to follow in a world of sin. We compare Christ’s words to our parents.


Prove All Things And Abstain From Evil

Scripture reminds us to prove all things in life. This keeps our beliefs true and accurate which also helps prevent us from participating in evil deeds.


All We Have To Do Is Live And Die

We often become so overwhelmed with life and society, that we forget to live. We rush through one day, just to rush through the next day. Today, we reflect.


The Heavens Declare The Glory Of God

Though the heavens declare the glory of God, men wise in their own minds continually work to invent theories that attempt to hide His Majesty and Greatness.