Topic: Faith

Christian Basics

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

When bad things happen to good people, some blame God, as if He is chastising them. We quickly forget accidents happen, and we cause a lot of our own problems.


Never Fear, God Is On Our Side

It’s easy to live life in fear considering the world we live in. Yet, the Bible reminds us to always trust in God. When we do, we are blessed for it.

Evil Spirits

Have We Departed From The Faith?

Today, many depart the Christian faith, being swayed by men. Men who are instructed by “seducing spirits” who lead us away from God.


Love Not In Word, But In Deed And Truth

It’s easy to make promises or say pleasing words. It’s quite another to prove them through our actions. Always stay true to your word and reject sin.


He That Is Not Against Us, Is For Us

Have you ever noticed, we easily allow our worldly beliefs to alter our Christian relationships? Jesus touched on this in a conversation with the Disciples.


Give Thanks To The Lord For He Is Good

Never forget the blessings God has already given you. When we allow the world into our minds, we can lose sight of the past, and how God carried us through.