Bible Questions And Answers

I’ll help you find the answers you are looking for in the Bible. I invite you to ask a question, or view past Bible questions and answers in the archive.

Does God Change His Mind?

Many would say, God does not change, and there’s Scriptural basis, but in what context? On the other hand, Moses changed God’s mind. Let me tell you about it.

Does God Change His Mind?

Many would say, God does not change, and there’s Scriptural basis, but in what context? On the other hand, Moses changed God’s mind. Let me tell you about it.

Will Our Family Return With Jesus?

Many of us have lost loved ones along the trail of life. We know they are with God, but do they return with Jesus, and what about those who never accepted Him?

What Is Church?

The church is the body of Christ, which He is the head. The church defines Christians who gather to learn, give praise, and honor to God.

What Happened In The Garden Of Eden?

Adam and Eve’s sin made them ashamed they were naked. A child was the result of the sin which led to multiplied birth pains. An apple has no part in this story.

Was Melchizedek Jesus?

Jesus never said or implied He was Melchizedek. Nevertheless, portions of Christianity try and force Scripture to fit this narrative which doesn’t hold water. I’ll explain.

Why Is The Trinity So Confusing?

The trinity is the belief the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the same entity. Yet, this belief has left many confused, so let’s examine Scripture together.

What Is Preterism?

Preterism is the belief that all Bible prophecy has been fulfilled, including those of the Last Days. This creates massive contradictions in the Bible.

Why Were The Canaanites Destroyed?

God told the Israelites they would inherit the land of Canaan. However, God wanted them to kill everyone in the land, but why? The Bible provides a clear answer.

Who Are The Very Elect?

The phrase “very elect” is used to provide emphasis, not describe a select group of Saints. We also discuss the 7,000 God set aside that would not serve Baal.

What Was The Curse Of Canaan?

Noah cursed Canaan, but why? It was Ham who sinned against his father Noah. We open Scripture to find out, and fill in the blanks.

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