Do You Think We Should Get The COVID-19 Vaccine?

Name: Alicia
Question: Do you think we should get the vaccine?
I’m unsure. I have a friend that works in the hospital tell me not to be the first to get the vaccine.

Answer: Hey Alicia, it is a great question that a lot of people are asking themselves these days. I could never answer this question for you or anyone else though. In fact, none of us should rely on anyone for our health decisions.

In my opinion, first, we should determine if the virus is deadly enough to consider the vaccine. Then we should consider if the vaccine is the right choice for us.

Vaccine Information

I would recommend you go to the source in order to research the positives and negatives of the vaccines. Here are two links I found from the CDC that will help you with that. Note, there are side effects as with any vaccine, the VAERS database provides a count of death and injuries for those who have been vaccinated.

This should be our methodology for everything in life, go to the source.

Our Research

I don’t know how long you have been a reader Alica, but we have found a lot of interesting facts over the last year from the CDC. They tell us, most people only suffer mild symptoms from COVID-19. In cases of death, the CDC told us COVID-19 was placed on the patient’s death certificate even if it was only “suspected or likely”. Lastly, out of all COVID deaths, only 5% were solely due to COVID.

Now, with just those three facts alone, that tells me COVID-19 has been hyped and overblown. Then just yesterday, we learned Dr. Fauci and the FDA said 50% of thier employees are , and the CDC was unsure what the numbers are.

Now those government agencies are the ones pushing all of us to get the vaccine, and even they do not want it.

Now we have covered this entire pandemic, in fact, you can find all of our COVID-19 articles here to catch up.

Considering how much we have covered COVID-19 on our site, and from all of our research from the official health sources. We have made the decision that we will not take the vaccine, just as we have not worn masks. The reason, COVID-19 has been overblown and we have documented that for the last year now.

If we felt COVID-19 was truly going to harm our family, we would have taken precautions. Instead, nothing changed for our family. We continued on with our lifestyle. For the record, I have a wife and three young children and we are all in agreement.

I hope all the researching we have done this last year has helped you and all of our readers. It has been a lot of trying work, but if it has helped you. That makes it all worthwhile.

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