Here’s The Results Of The 2024 Survey!

Thanks so much for taking the time to complete the survey. It truly helps me understand what is working and what it not. It provides me with added insight and with your input, I make changes. So thank you for participating!

With that, I’d like to share some of the actual reader survey responses with you.

What do you like about this site?

  1. I really enjoy the Bible studies and the reader questions.
  2. I love the daily emails for your bible studies, commentaries, questions and answers, etc. One of the highlights of my day!
  3. All of the studies and the research that connects to world events that are happening with God’s Word. The site is easy to navigate as well. I like the comments made by fellow believers.
  4. I like the insightful Bible studies, specially how in depth and presented your scriptural references are that you used to arrive at your conclusions. I also love the fellowship with others in Christ readers on your site.
  5. I like the truth you share, the bible studies, the questions and answers. I like that you are straight and forward when it comes to God’s word. I like it when you take the time to reach out to me when I have a concern or question.

What do you dislike about this site?

  1. Too much politics.
  2. Misspelled words. Need better proofreading.
  3. Share more comments from your subscribers!
  4. To me it is a hassle finding things and jumping through hoops to find them. I was a locomotive engineer not a network engineer. haha
  5. Sometimes, not always, your opinions on world events are a litte harsh but then again sometimes that’s what they deserve. I am trying REALLY hard to follow Christs commandment to “…love your neighbor as you love yourself” but often it is a real struggle to do.

Any other thoughts you would like to share?

  1. It helps my heart to know I can go to this site and be calmed.
  2. Thank you so much for this site. It is a tremendous help to increase my understanding.
  3. I love studying God’s Word. This is a site that does just that. A truly great place to be to learn.
  4. Thank you for your work and perspective. So many topics you write about I spent most of my life not understanding correctly for various reasons.
  5. I think this site is needed for the times we’re living in because it makes me and others see we’re not the only ones that things are changing for the worst but it also gives us HOPE. Thank you Brandon so much for what your doing and for always being there!

Thanks again for taking the survey folks!

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