Have More People Been Killed By Abortion Or War?

If you had to take a guess, have more souls been lost due to war, or due to abortion?

Many of us would probably say war.

War brings thoughts of blood and death in massive numbers. I mean, think about the wars of the past, from the Civil War to World War II. There have been some horrific moments in history.

So how about we paint a picture?

We are going to look at the death tolls from past American wars. Then we will compare those numbers to abortion totals in the United States. We will also share the annual world abortion totals to give us some additional perspective.

Then, we will close out discussing some Bible verses about abortion.

Alright, let’s take a look at the numbers.

Each “👤” represents 10,000 people who were killed (rounded up).

Revolutionary War

25,000 deaths


Civil War

620,000 deaths


World War I

116,516 deaths


World War II

405,309 deaths


Korean War

36,516 deaths


Vietnam War

58,209 deaths


Source: Battle Fields for all above death tolls.

Abortion In The United States

63,459,781 deaths

Since 1973

Source: National Right to Life


Abortion In The World

73,000,000 deaths every year!

Source: World Health Organization and Guttmacher


The Bible On Abortion

In case you have any doubt, God is against abortion, and abortion is a sin.

How about a few verses to clarify the point?

Genesis 9:6
Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.

An unborn child is in fact a human.

Terminating a pregnancy is shedding innocent blood, (Deut 19:10, Pro 6:17, Ps 106:38). According to God’s Law, those who shed innocent blood should be terminated as well.

Jeremiah 1:5
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

How could God make this statement concerning Jeremiah while he was yet in the womb?

God was not speaking of his body, He was speaking about Jeremiah’s spirit. Our spirit is placed into our body at conception. Therefore, when one terminates a pregnancy, they are terminating the life that God brought forward.

One more verse.

Luke 1:15
For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother’s womb.

Luke 1:41-42

Even though John was in his mother’s womb, the Holy Spirit was with him. This shows us God places great significance on unborn children, and it tells us, life begins at conception. The moment an individual spirit is connected with their forming body.


Unfortunately, society has been conditioned to believe abortion is morally acceptable. Today, most people do not think twice about aborting a child. It would disturb you greatly to learn the common reasons for abortion.

Yet, when it comes to other world events, we are told we must give up freedom and rights in order to preserve life. Those are excuses to drive forward the agenda of the wicked.

If that were not true, then more emphasis would be placed on abortion, which by far, kills more people annually than any other cause of death.

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