Agenda 2030, Fossil Fuels, And Parroting Media

In case you have been living in a cave, United Nations Agenda 2030 is all about “sustainable development”. It embraces the religion known as “climate change”, and they use this narrative to convince us we are destroying the planet.

You may not tune into the United Nations website and Agenda 2030, but it surrounds you nevertheless. It materializes itself in the mainstream media, social media, and forms the backbone of education that our children absorb each day.

A major partner of the United Nations is the World Economic Forum which is pushing The Great Reset. They call it an opportunity to change the world, radically I might add. The propaganda from these two organizations is so vast, we simply cannot get away from it.

I am constantly reminded of this as I view the news each day. I want to share some examples with you.

Fossil Fuels Are Killing Us

An recent NBC article reported,

report released Tuesday shows the emissions from use of fossil fuels was responsible for one in five premature deaths around the world in 2018 — significantly more than was previously thought.

This article simply regurgitates the talking points of Agenda 2030 which seeks, “sustainable development”. So we are led to believe us driving around in our cars and mowing our lawns is leading to the premature death of 1 in 5.

If you deny such reports, you are considered a “climate change denier”. Hmm, where have I heard that before…

Fossil Fuels Push Earth Beyond Limits

In the last week, I also ran across a Time Magazine article, it was apart of their “Time 2030” series, almost like “Agenda 2030”.

It’s obvious enough right?

You get it.

I have to share the title of this one, Amsterdam Is Embracing a Radical New Economic Theory to Help Save the Environment. Could It Also Replace Capitalism?

See, it is always about saving the environment, it is always about “climate change” which used to be called “global warming” until record winter storms ruined that one.

Now here is a line from this article,

Endless growth powered by natural resources and fossil fuels will inevitably push the earth beyond its limits.

One of the most ironic things in all of this, the people always telling us how to fix the problems are the same ones who helped create them. Why don’t they lead by example; sell off their big houses, cars and private jets?

Until that happens, don’t come knocking on my door asking me to change my life.

Fossil Fuels Cause Sea Level Rise

The World Economic Forum has also begun talking about these topics much more lately as it ties right into their agenda. This is not new ground for these boys though, here is an excerpt from one of their 2016 articles,

Humans have also contributed to sea level rise by burning fossil fuels and increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

All of this really boils down to our presence on earth.

Humans are causing pollution, therefore, we are pollutants and we must reduce our numbers. No wonder abortion and the homosexual agenda are promoted constantly, just like the articles we are discussing.

If they continue to say it long enough, and in a vast enough space (mainstream, social media, education, workplace, etc), well then, we just might begin to believe it. By the way, reducing our numbers ties right into the Georgia Guidestones.

The Reality Of It All

The best part in all of this is the fact the earth has always changed. It has always gone through cycles, by sciences own admission no less.

So when the “climate change” wizards say the ‘sea levels are rising due to humans’, they are telling you the glaciers are melting. Otherwise, the sea levels could not rise.

Well, I have news for these globalist fools, the glaciers have been melting for more than 12,000 years. Science tells us the last ice age was over 12,000 years ago. Now the last time I checked, we did not have cars, trucks, or lawnmowers in those days.

In fact, if we are truthful, we did not even exist on earth in those days.

So how did the glaciers melt?

The earth goes through cycles, hence why you find multi-colored and layered rock all over the planet. It has changed over the course of time, it has changed many times, and “humans”, did not cause it.

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