Now The Government Cares About Our Southern Border?

If you’re like me — suddenly — you’re noticing more chatter about our southern border crisis.

Suddenly, illegal immigration is a heavily discussed topic on Capitol Hill.


Why now?

Is the border crisis that much worse than a couple of months ago?


The answer…

It’s election year my friends!

Not to mention, there are catastrophes across the globe, and in the mind of American politicians, those international fires are related to our southern border crisis.

So what do you do?

You lump all the world’s problems into one big bill…

What am I talking about?

Let me tell you…

Senators just released “the long-awaited text of a bipartisan agreement to impose tougher immigration and asylum laws.”

Boy, if their law becomes any “tougher,” we might have 20 million more illegals by the end of the year.

So, how much will this new bill cost this time?

Great question…

The $118 billion package includes a series of provisions aimed at reducing record high crossings at the southern border and tightening an asylum system that has been overwhelmed by migrants fleeing their homes to seek refuge. It also includes critical aid to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan, which Republicans have said they’ll only support if it is paired with significant new U.S. immigration restrictions.

Now, before you start feeling positive, let me drag you right back to earth.

That $118 billion is not going to the border…

Ahh, a couple of token bucks will. However, the bulk is going to Israel and Ukraine, in the form of bullets and bombs to kill more Gazans and Ruskies! That’s right, the 27,000 dead Gazans aren’t enough, we want more, and you’re going to pay for it, all while we talk about “securing our borders.”

Isn’t that sick?

Look, the only reason this bill even came up, is to fund the wars.

  • The Democrats love illegals, but they want more dough for the wars.
  • The Republicans don’t mind the illegals, but they shy away a bit to secure your vote and they love war.

However, both of them want more money for more war.

So, they got together to put together a “border package” for little ol you.

Isn’t that sweet?

Now come on, don’t become politically dissonant on me.

Look at the number of illegal immigrants allowed into our nation by political party over the years.


Illegal immigration was actually trending down during the Bush Jr and the Obama years.

Then, it popped in 2019, and it spiked in 2021 and beyond.

So that’s the ugly history, but some politicians want you to be conned into the idea they’re going to slam the border closed.


So a lot of good Americans are being manipulated for their vote.

Let’s get something straight here…

Big and small business uses the heck out of illegal workers. They just do, I’ve seen it personally many-o-times and I’ve read the reports, you should too.

Why am I telling you this?

Big and small business are not going to give up cheap labor. Illegals provide cheap labor, which drives profits. That’s just the way it is. By the way, who do you think is lobbying our politicians to keep the border open…

Now get this, in 2018, 8 million illegal immigrants were a part of the work force. That was six years ago, how many are a part of the work force today?

Now, the big problem is, if all these illegals suddenly go away, whose going to fill their shoes?

Look at this clip from an article I found, speaking of illegals,

“Their compensation often falls below minimum wage. They might receive just $90 for a 14-hour workday, or about $6.42 an hour — and that’s when they do get paid. On more than a few occasions, the brothers have gone days, weeks and even months without receiving payment for their grueling labor.”

Texas Tribune

Now the article was a cry me a river piece about illegals.

Look, they shouldn’t be here and the fact of the matter is, they’re suppressing wages for American workers. American’s aren’t going to work for $6.42 an hour, it’s illegal, but illegals will. Hey, they broke the law to get in here, they won’t stop there, they’ll break it some more.

Meanwhile, Americans suffer.

So my larger point here is, if we’re going to stop illegal immigration, there needs to be a national approach. Not some quickly tossed together bill with funding for more wars. We need a solution to possibly the worst border crisis in history.

Honestly, you know how you fix the border?

I mean, if you really cared about the American people…

It won’t cost you a dime…

All the government needs to do is enforce the laws on the books.

That’s it.

Then, the government needs to stop providing welfare and healthcare for illegals. Yes, illegals get those tax payer funded benefits. We’ve all seen the news reports over the years. Moreover, once a pregnant illegal crosses our border, and has that baby, that baby is a U.S. citizen, entitled to your tax dollars.

It’s the stupidest law I’ve ever heard of.

If you want a bunch of degenerates in your nation, well, that’s the best way to get them. Offer free stuff. Socialism breeds laziness. If you doubt that, head on over to your local Indian reservation. I’ve never seen a respectable one and the whole model is, socialism.

The moral of the story today, don’t let any political con you on the border. It’s a losing game until they get serious about it. First, the gates need to be shut. Then, millions upon millions needs to be deported. It’s doubtful it’s going to happen, naturalized citizens aren’t having babies and illegals are.

Things are changing…

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