Even The Military Doesn’t Want The COVID Vaccine & Reported Side Effects

At least 500,000 members of the active duty military are refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine. Here’s the scoop.

John Kirby who is the Pentagon spokesman explained out of 1.3 million military members, only 800,000 of them have been vaccinated. Additionally, there are 800,000 reservists.

Kirby’s accounting of the vaccines administered so far was in response to questions about sizable elements of the military that appear to be refusing to take it. And he reiterated that the coronavirus vaccine, for now, remains voluntary, unlike other vaccinations and medicines that almost all troops must receive.

US News

The most interesting part of this article is the fact the COVID-19 vaccine is not mandatory for the military. Hey, we were told this virus is the cause of global lockdowns which have radically altered our world.

Yet, the COVID vaccine is not mandated for the military who has to take every other shot under the sun?

This shows you how exaggerated this crisis really is. How many military members do we have out there? You all know the story with vaccines and shots.

So why is 38% of our active duty military refusing the vaccine?

These people are not fools!

The vaccine was rushed, we all read the reports. Then we find out from the CDC, of all COVID deaths, only 6% of the patients died from COVID alone. The remaining 94% died of COVID and 2.9 other illnesses.

So it’s an exaggerated crisis to drive a new radical global agenda and this 38% are hip to it. High five baby!

Further, there are numerous reports about adverse side effects and even death for those who have taken the COVID-19 vaccines.

Let’s run through some of them.

COVID Vaccine Side Effects

To date, after taking one of the COVID-19 vaccines; 653 people have died, and another 12,687 suffered side effects.

In just the last day, these are some of the headlines I have come across related to COVID vaccine side effects. Look this over, this is important. Alert your family and friends.

36 People Developed Rare Blood Disorder After Covid Vaccination

Fox News had this article, then pulled it down. Why did they do that? To conceal the truth. The article is also available from the Daily Mail which states,

At least 36 people have developed a rare, life-threatening blood disorder, called thrombocytopenia, after receiving either of the two COVID-19 vaccines authorized in the US.

4 in Oregon Test Positive for Virus After Vaccinations

Four people in Oregon, who have been fully vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine, have tested positive for the coronavirus the health authority reported Friday.

Oregon is among the first states nationwide to report “breakthrough cases” — people who test positive for coronavirus at least 14 days after receiving their second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

US News

Now the health professionals always tell us, you cannot get sick from a shot. Yet, time after time we find that is the case.

Northeast Ohio School District Cancels Class Over COVID-19 Vaccine Reactions

Two days after employees were given their first round of COVID-19 vaccinations, the Fairless Local School District canceled classes, attributing it to many developing side effects and becoming ill.

Fox News

Central NY School District Closes After Many Staff Sick With Side Effects From COVID Vaccine

The Sandy Creek school district closed today after numerous staff members reported feeling ill after the second vaccine, district officials said.

More than half the employees received the first shot a month ago, and the second injection was Wednesday, Faulkner said.

Of those, at least one-third reported feeling ill including fever and other symptoms, Faulkner said.


So half of the staff took the shot, and at least a third of that half suffered side effects. That is a tremendous number my friends. These vaccines, according to official records do not seem fit.


In all of these cases, if these people had not taken the COVID vaccine, they would be just fine. Now many have died, while others will suffer side effects, some permanent.

Now maybe you are stating to understand why so many of our military members are refusing the vaccine, good for them.

Meanwhile, we are told COVID will be with us forever. So that means the COVID manufacturers just increased their bottom line at our expense. Don’t forget, the vaccine manufactures are exempt from lawsuits.

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