Americans Get Stern COVID Warning: ‘No Christmas Parties’

Can you believe this? Of course you can, it’s the year 2020! The mainstream media is already reporting news from “President-elect Joe Biden” and friends.

This is the message from Biden’s “top coronavirus adviser”.

“No Christmas parties”

Hey, at least they used the word Christmas!

The lib continues.

The next three to six weeks at minimum … are our COVID weeks,” Dr. Michael Osterholm, a member of Biden’s coronavirus advisory board, told CNN. “It won’t end after that, but that is the period right now where we could have a surge upon a surge upon a surge.”

These people are nuts. Quite literally nuts. Turn them off, turn them all off.

By the way, you notice how much election coverage I have provided since our video about the elections?

Why do you think that is?…

Pandemic Until Summer Of 2022

Everyone’s favorite software founder turned doctor, Bill Gates recently said,

I believe because these other vaccines will get approved by summer 2021, across all these different constructs; it will be more about the logistics of getting the vaccines out. I think we will raise the money and we’ll have the manufacturing capacity, and so that, you know, for the rich world in 2021 and for the world as a whole… in the first half of 2022, we should be able to get the vaccine coverage that largely brings this pandemic to an end.

Hindustan Times

Bill Gates, the one who told us about Digital Certificates clarifies his remark.

By the summer of 2021, the rich countries will have more vaccine coverage than other countries. So, the rich countries will be going mostly back to normal. But I still think because the virus will be in the world, we still will be somewhat conservative about large public events, we will still have some mask-wearing.

I tell you what, if this drags on that long there will be nothing left of our economy or the global economy.

Used Masks Polluting California Coastal Waters

This next clip is because, well, we all need a laugh today.

Face masks are now contributing to the pollution of California’s coastal waterways.

“It’s now like cigarette butts or anything else. You see it on the sides of the path, the sides of the road, and if you don’t see it, you are not looking.”

Greenwich Time

Why am I not surprised?

I can only imagine how a future news article may read…

Due to face mask pollution, ocean fish now have COVID which can be passed on to you at the dinner table…

New calls emerge for lab-grown meat.

Come on, it’s a joke, but not that far fetched considering today’s headlines.

Hey, happy Friday, I hope you had a chuckle. Have a blessed weekend!

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