ATF Nominee Said “Hate Speech” Should Be Regulated, Need Ability To Remove Firearms.

The Biden administration nominated David Chipman for Director at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). Fortunately, his nomination seems uncertain after his records have been revealed.

In 2019, Chipman was interviewed by the BBC where he spouted off about American White Supremacy and online hate speech. Chipman said,

We have to do more to monitor hate speech on the internet.

He went on to add,

I have a top job responding to these threats when they don’t currently have the authority to remove weaponry, just because people are saying hateful things.

So Chipman outed himself as an American hating nut.

These people do not know what White Supremacy is to begin with. Rewind history to the 1950s and 1960s. Then you might get a slight wiff of it. Today, we have nothing like that. So Chipman and friends are simply trying to marginalize people who speak against government overreach.

By insinuating that American’s should have their arms removed if they are deemed to espouse “hate speech” online, this truly shows Chipman is an enemy of the people. It shows how our government and other organizations are constantly trying to undermine the American spirit.

They do this by deeming any speech which disagrees with their agenda as “hate speech”.

What happened to the days of tar and feathers?

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