Biden Launches Door To Door Program To Vaccinate America

Everyone’s favorite President, Bunker Joe Biden is launching a door-to-door effort to plunge a needle into your arm as he fell short of his 70% vaccination goal by Independence Day.

Let’s read some of the propaganda.

“Now we need to go community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood and often times door-to-door- literally knocking on doors, to get help to the remaining people protected from the virus,” Biden said.

Fox News

As it turns out, despite the government created disaster known as COVID, many people do not want the vaccine at all. In fact, roughly 47% of the nation has been fully vaccinated with the COVID shot. If we compare that to the annual flu shot, we find 45% of the nation typically takes that shot.

When we average this out, we see the people who typically take the shot, took the COVID shot and not a whole lot more. Despite all the fear mongering from the government and mainstream media. They still could not coax the people to get vaccinated. Therefore, Comrade Biden has to launch the door to door program.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki also referred to the “door-to-door” effort while listing the five objectives of Biden’s COVID response earlier in the day at Tuesday’s briefing, citing “targeted community door-to-door outreach” to “get remaining Americans vaccinated by ensuring that they have the information they need on how both safe and accessible the vaccine is.”

We already know Jen, you Democrats and Republicans told us over and over again about the vaccine, but hey, we appreciate the offer.

Now for some common sense from Congressman Dan Crenshaw of Texas.

How about don’t knock on my door. You’re not my parents. You’re the government. Make the vaccine available, and let people be free to choose. Why is that concept so hard for the left?

Common sense coming from a government representative… Amazing!

Great question by the way, one you will never get an answer for.

For those still having a difficult time pondering why the vaccine is being pressed so hard. Just remember the 1976 Swine Flu Scare. Mass vaccination efforts are not new. Ensure you do not get sucked into all the lies floating around on the internet. They are bad for your sanity.

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