Biden Stirs More Racial Hatred With “Juneteenth” Federal Holiday

Government is never the solution to life’s problems, they only seem to make things worse. When last year’s riots kicked off in Minneapolis, the liberal paradise failed to enforce basic law to quell the rebellion. Instead, they stood by and allowed the riots to continue which led to more riots across the nation.

I don’t need to tell you the rest of the story.

That led to the “cancel culture” of today. Where, if you say something against the mainstream, be it corporate, education, media, government, then you get thrown under the bus. Losing your job and reputation in the process.

While this is how the mainstream works, including social media. Few Americans actually believe in this whole notion. This comes to mind as President Biden declared a new Federal Holiday, “Juneteenth”.

President Joe Biden is expected to sign the bill making Juneteenth a federal holiday on Thursday but a new poll suggests that legislators’ overwhelming bid to nationalize the celebration of the June 19, 1865 announcement that all slaves in Texas were free may not be a prioritized interest for most Americans.

Gallup’s most recent poll about Juneteenth found that just 35 percent of Americans believe that Juneteenth should be made a federal holiday while approximately 25 percent of Americans say it shouldn’t. At least 40 percent of those surveyed said they weren’t sure whether it should be federally implemented or they were simply were unfamiliar with the holiday and its origins.


It then becomes obvious, Americans are not concerned with establishing “Juneteenth” as a new national holiday. Instead, the Federal Government made the decision in order to fulfill its own agenda.

Now someone correct me if I am wrong, but I thought the purpose of the government was to institute the will of the American people?

Look, we do not need the government dredging up events from 160 years ago.

How exactly does that repair anything?

It only furthers the divide between the American people. If the government really wanted to do some good, they would reign in spending, get out of debt, close federal programs that provide money and support for illegal aliens. Yet, they never seem to really do that.

America is being rewritten. While the monuments of the past are removed, they are replaced with a new version of history which is supported by new holidays.

If this were the good ol days, the American people would march to DC and tar and feather these boys. But these are not the good ol days. These are the days of mass brainwashing and mass distractions.

Look, there goes a squirrel.

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