UK: COVID Surges Though 80% Are Vaccinated, Germany/Canada VaxPass

Apparently, this is the variant from India. You remember that one, it went viral in the news, was going to be the next doom event, and then it fizzled out. Nevertheless, that Boris Johnson guy in the UK just cannot seem to get enough fear and doom. I cannot recall how many times he locked down his nation, always hailing the vaccine as the savior.

Well, they got the vaccine, and there is still doom on the streets as Johnson would tell it.

While not everyone has received the second dose, the UK still has 80% of the population vaccinated at this point. Yet, COVID is still spreading like wildfire. So what’s the point of the vaccine…

In the end, we will never know the real infection numbers as they were always manipulated to no end.

Germany Starts Rolling Out A Digital EU Vaccination Pass

Here is another article that shows how Europe just cannot get enough of The Great COVID Con.

Germany on Thursday started rolling out a digital vaccination pass that can be used across Europe as the continent gets ready for the key summer travel season.

The country’s health minister said starting this week vaccination centers, doctors practices and pharmacies will gradually start giving out digital passes to fully vaccinated people. The CovPass will let users download proof of their coronavirus vaccination status onto a smartphone app, allowing them easy access to restaurants, museums or other venues that require proof of immunization.

I wonder how much of this is media hype and how much is reality… In the United States, we were told there was going to be COVID passports and that too, thankfully, fizzled out.

Canadian Govt Working With Provinces On A Digital ‘Vaccination Proof’ For International Travel

According to reports from last year, they were working on it then as well.

In case the Canadian government has become so wrapped up in their homosexual pride season. Summer is two days away. So are they going to prevent their citizens from leaving the country, or is this just more fear and hype to keep the COVID con alive…

Canada’s Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic LeBlanc confirmed that the federal government is working with Canadian provinces on a type of “digital” proof of “vaccination” for citizens to use for international travel. 

“The urgency of coming up with a secure, reliable, probably digital proof of vaccination is something that we’re working on collaboratively with provinces,” LeBlanc told reporters on Tuesday. “If there’s a phased adjustment of border measures in July or later in August or so on, there may be a transitional measure. But we’ll have more to say about that in the coming weeks.” 


No Jab, No Phone: Unvaccinated To Have Sim Cards Blocked, Pakistan’s Punjab Govt Says

Absolute madness. I wonder how much of a kickback these guys received from the vaccine manufacturers?

Punjab’s provincial government is turning to coercive measures to increase participation in its Covid-19 vaccination program, after unveiling plans to disable the SIM cards of people who decline to get jabbed.

The extreme decision was made during a meeting of high-ranking civil and military officials chaired by Punjab Health Minister Yasmin Rashid.

Rashid said that the policy would disable SIM cards belonging to those who fail to get vaccinated “beyond a certain time.”


Even the California Communist did not take these drastic measures. In fact, California finally opened up days ago.

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