BLM Organizer Calls Looting ‘Reparations’ And Dismisses Peaceful Protesting

People who support Black Lives Matter are seriously mentally deficient. Ariel Atkins is a prime example, she is a BLM organizer who completely condones violence, even calling looting “reparations”.

Atkins who is black, went on to verbally attack Chicago’s black Mayor Lori Lightfoot for calling looting “straight-up felony, criminal conduct.”

Um… Last time I checked, stealing is a crime.

But hey, I am not Atkins who explained,

“It’s like her (Lightfoot) deciding what is criminal and what isn’t.”

NY Post

Ah! So in the mind of a BLM organizer and supporter, stealing is not a crime! Now I get it!

Atkins “wisdom” continues…

“I will support the looters ’til the end of the day. If that’s what they need to do in order to eat, then that’s what you’ve got to do to eat.”

Hey Ms. Atkins…

People who steal to eat, steal chicken, not Nike’s and Gucci products. These people are not hungry, they are stealing for gain. They are stealing as they are criminals as Lightfoot said.

If that were not enough, Atkins quickly dismissed the idea of any peaceful protests saying,

“Winning has come through revolts. Winning has come through riots. The only people that can undermine our movement are the police, our oppressors, and then us when we don’t believe in the people that we’re fighting with.”

How much more clear does it become?

Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization. Learn the truth about Black Lives Matter.

Government and the mainstream media always said ol whitey back in the woods was a threat, but it turns out the inner city rot was the problem all along. Yet, people cannot call it like it is, otherwise, they are called a racist.

Hey, Mom taught me long ago…

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.

Besides, do you really care if people like Atkins are the ones calling you a racist? We used to lock people like her up, now we give them national attention and call them heroes.

This is not my world, that is for certain.

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