California Churches Fined Thousands For Holding Service And Singing

It seems every news headline these days manifested itself from a bad dream. Today churches are being fined for holding service and singing. Who would have imagined that? This is what 2020 has brought us.

All I can say is, always stand up for your rights. That is a part of our duty. If we allow ourselves to be walked on, then walked on we will be.

Alright, so here is the story.

Godspeak Calvary Chapel in Thousand Oaks received $3,000 in fines for holding a total of six services across two Sundays, and North Valley Baptist Church in Santa Clara was fined $5,000 for singing during two services, the Desert Review reported.

Lifesite News

We all know this is due to unwarranted fear over COVID-19. Do not be a sheep, always know the facts. Even the CDC is backtracking on COVID propaganda.

Christians Get A Victory Amid COVID

I will say, there is a bright spot that I want to tell you about…

Grace Community Church has been sued by Los Angeles County four times now for holding service. In the latest case, a California judge refused to rule against the church which is a big win for California Christians.

This is all due to the church standing their ground and not caving to the paranoia and illegal removal of the people’s rights. I certainly applaud them for this and say Thank You Father!

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