Brandon, Help Me Understand The Bible and Science!

A reader named Jodi reached out to me with some pressing questions she needs help with. At one time, she believed in a young earth, but not any longer. These days, Jodi is trying to understand how creation, Biblical genealogy, and science are linked together.

In this article, I’ll address these fundamentals, and bring it all together.

The Science

Now, I have to tell you, as a Christian, I absolutely love science!

However, not all science is good science. Not all scientists have science’s best interests at heart. Instead, like we find in religion, scientists have their own biases. That’s why there are differing opinions within the scientific realm, and what was once “scientific fact,” shortly becomes untrue.

It would startle most people to learn, that scientific fact is a myth, science cannot prove anything. Science can only formulate a hypothesis, and if they’re lucky, a theory. Albert Einstein was well aware of this fact.

Einstein once said,

“The scientific theorist is not to be envied. For Nature, or more precisely experiment, is an inexorable and not very friendly judge of his work.

It never says “Yes” to a theory. In the most favorable cases it says “Maybe,” and in the great majority of cases simply “No.”

If an experiment agrees with a theory it means for the latter “Maybe,” and if it does not agree it means “No.” Probably every theory will someday experience its “No”—most theories, soon after conception.”

Now, why did I lay that out?

It’s extremely important to the discussion, for those who feel pushed around by science. Look, science tells us, in an instant, nothing became everything. I speak of the Big Bang theory.

There’s just one small problem…

By science’s own admission, atoms cannot be created or destroyed.

Yet, atoms make up everything in the universe.

You and I are made from atoms. So are plants, animals, and the earth, not to mention the cosmos. Literally everything is made from atoms. Since atoms cannot be created, yet all the matter in the universe is here, that tells us, an outside force must have created all atoms in existence.

Therefore, the Big Bang theory cannot be true.

Moreover, since atoms cannot be created, then our universe did not come into existence by itself.

Instead, our universe had to be created by something that existed outside of it. The force that created our universe could not have existed within it, as there was no universe in the beginning, not until it was created.

With just that simple thought, it rules out so many theories that exist today.

So, don’t waste your time discussing evolution.

It’s a nonstarter.

My point is simple, scientific theories about the origin of man cannot be relied on. They have built a foundation 100 feet off the ground, it simply won’t hold.

The Beginning

In reality, the force that created our universe is our Heavenly Father.

Let’s take a look…

Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

We all know the verse.

Yet, Christians interpret it to mean various things.

Was it thousands, millions, or billions of years ago?

Let’s read verse two.

Genesis 1:2
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

This verse is our key to understanding the former question…

The verse seems to indicate, that God created the earth “without form and void.” Essentially, we’re being told that God created the earth, but it was a desolate wasteland. That’s what “without form” and “void” mean.

However, have you ever witnessed a contractor build a house that was a mangled mess, only to tear it apart and start over?

I never have, so why do we expect that God did?

In reality, the key to understanding this verse resides with the word “was,” which should have been translated as “become.” I explain how I arrive at that conclusion in the link below.

God did not create the earth “without form and void,” but it did “become” that way.


Due to the rebellion of Satan in “the world that then was,” (2 Peter 3:6).

Look, every Christian knows that Satan rebelled against God. They just don’t know when that was. Some think it occurred in the Garden of Eden, while others have no idea. I believe this rebellion transpired in “the world that then was.” In an era of time before the creation of Adam and Eve.

For all the details, please read my study:

The Garden

Jodi’s next point of contention concerns Adam and Eve.

Now, I do not believe the Bible teaches that Adam and Eve were the first people, much less, that everyone on the planet is related to them.

Look, a purely Caucasian couple cannot have an African baby or an Asian baby. Neither can an African couple have a Caucasian or Indian baby.

We all know that, we all understand that.

I want to make it abundantly clear, there’s absolutely nothing in Scripture that indicates God caused Adam and Eve to have various races of children. That’s simply conjecture. We don’t need to add that to the Bible. In case you are wondering, my position is not conjecture…

If we read Genesis 1:26-27, we’re told that God created mankind, male and female. In the next verse, God told this creation of mankind to “replenish the earth, and subdue it.” He also explained, “I have given you every herb bearing seed.”

However, this account vastly differs from Genesis 2.

In that chapter, God clearly tells Adam he will remain in the Garden to maintain it. Not subdue the entire earth. Moreover, God told Adam not to partake of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. In fact, when one carefully examines Genesis chapters 1 and 2, they contradict themselves if they’re discussing the same creation.

I went into great detail on this in my study:

The Origin Of Man

Yet, many believe we all came from Adam and Eve.

In the study linked below, I go in-depth to explain, that is simply not true.

But what about Acts 17:26 some will ask?

I discuss that subject in the study linked below, which ties in Biblical manuscripts to point out, how words were added to your Bible, to make it appear as if we all came from Adam.

Now, I’m not saying this was done will ill intent, but regardless, it’s a fact.

Moreover, Adam is not the subject of Acts 17:26, God is.

Give this a read:

The Mother Of All Living

Others will contest my position, as the Bible says,

And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.

Genesis 3:20

This verse, many contend, proves that everyone came from Adam and Eve.

However, at that time — according to Christian tradition — Adam and Eve were the only people on the planet, Eve had not yet become a mother. They had no children.

So then, how could Eve be the mother of all living, when no one else was living?

She couldn’t.

Therefore, the verse means something else.


Eve’s name actually means, “lifegiver.”

Therefore, Eve is the “lifegiver” in the sense that through her genealogy came Jesus Christ, whose sacrifice made Eternal Life possible for the world. Through “Eve the lifegiver,” would come “Jesus Christ the Eternal lifegiver.”

One more thing I must point out concerning the Garden…

This topic brings our mind to “the fall” of mankind…

Now, did Adam bring sin and death into the world, or did it already exist?

For all the details, read the following study, and yes, I’ve discussed Romans 5.

The Flood

Jodi also had questions about the Flood.

The trouble with the idea that we all came from Adam and Eve, and a global flood is this…

It would mean, Noah and his family — a single race — once again, were able to create all the races on the planet. My friends, Scripture makes no mention of this or even hints at the possibility. If it were true, then it leaves the Christian perplexed, and flies in the face of reproduction as we’ve observed it for thousands of years.

As we can see with our own eyes, and as science has discovered, we all have our own unique DNA. Our DNA contains information that dictates the color of our skin, our eyes and hair, and many other aspects of our being.

DNA cannot change in such a fashion, as to create new races, it’s simply not Biblical or logical. To believe such a thing, is to endorse the false concept of evolution.

For a detailed study of Scripture on this topic, please read my Bible study series on Noah’s Flood.

Note: The above link is simply an introduction, at the end, you’ll find a link to the table of contents.

The Earth

That brings me to a brief history of our planet…

It’s commonly thought, 500 million years ago, life suddenly exploded on the planet. I won’t go into great detail here, but the fossils exist all over the globe. Over the course of history, there have also been great extinctions. Not to mention, constantly shifting weather patterns.

No one debates this.

In fact, thanks to my Dad, I have a sample from a tree that dates from long ago. The wood was uncovered from the permafrost — permanently frozen soil — in the furthest northern regions of Alaska. That land has been frozen for no doubt, millions of years.

I can say that, as the last ice age ended about 11,000 years ago, and even today, the ground is still frozen.

I discuss the details here:

Outside of that, my family has been blessed with the opportunity to travel and explore our beautiful nation. We have witnessed first hand, fossils embedded within rock, not to mention numerous layers of rock in various colors.

We know for a fact, God did not create those layers of rock…

How can I be so certain?

God would not create a layer with a fossil inside of it.

Instead, God created the earth and its geologic cycles.

Over time, much time, plants and animals came to exist on the planet through His creation. As the earth went through it’s cycles, land masses shifted, volcanoes erupted, and weather patterns were altered due to earths wobble and other factors.

The earth was no doubt, a pangaea at one time.

That became a fact for me after seeing the Rhino fossils in Nebraska. During our family visit, and after much research, I discovered the Rhinos which once lived in Nebraska, also once roamed France and Africa.

How would that be possible, unless the plates were once connected?

There are many other examples of this in nature as well.

Some years ago, on our visit to Glacier National Park, many of my questions were answered and settled. This was due to seeing so many changes within the park. Beautiful red and green rock layers clearly displayed the magnificent changes of our planet.

Yet, I still have questions, and I always will.

As I became frustrated with such thoughts, it was around that time when I read this verse…

Ecclesiastes 3:11
He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

Also: Ecc 8:17

Simply stated, we will never uncover all the mysteries of our planet, and how it relates to Scripture.

The reason is simple…

God essentially placed us in the middle of time. Therefore, we only know with certainty what we observe in the present, and only through theory, not fact, can we consider the distant past.

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