California Halts 300,000 COVID Vaccines, W.H.O. Not Sure If Vaccines Effective

The vaccine was manufactured by Moderna, the same company that just said COVID will be with us forever. Conflict of interest? Who cares. The news is so twisted and distorted, good luck finding any real truth anymore.

California Halts 300,000 Vaccines

California’s state epidemiologist is urging a halt to more than 300,000 coronavirus vaccinations using a Moderna vaccine version because some people received medical treatment for possible severe allergic reactions.


Many people have shown extreme concern over these rushed vaccines. There are reports of people suffering serious side effects all over the world. Here is one such case.

The truth be told, this is nothing new.

Remember what 60 Minutes told us about the 1976 Swine Flu vaccine?

I honestly feel like all this negativity about the vaccine is leaking out to cause more fear and panic in the population. The people do not know what to believe anymore.

World Health Organization: Not Sure If Vaccines Prevent Infection

Then we have World Health Organization chief scientist, Dr. Soumya Swaminathan who said,

“We continue to wait for more results from the vaccine trials to really understand whether the vaccines, apart from preventing symptomatic disease and severe disease and deaths, whether they’re also going to reduce infection or prevent people from getting infected with the virus, then from passing it on or transmitting it to other people.

I don’t believe we have the evidence on any of the vaccines to be confident that it’s going to prevent people from actually getting the infection and therefore being able to pass it on.”

Business Insider

Then why have the vaccines been pushed on the people if we don’t even know if they will work?

Fear, hype, propaganda, and control of the global population.

If you have not figured it out by now, you probably never will. COVID-19 is about a radical plan to unleash the next phase of globalization on the people.

COVID Is Result Of Human Destruction Of Planet

No wonder Reuters just put out an opinion piece titled, COVID-19 has shown what happens when we destroy nature – 2021 must be the year we change course.

It was penned by…

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF). This is how it begins,

COVID-19 is an unprecedented global health crisis. But it has also been a wake-up call to the risks posed by our destructive relationship with the natural world.

The 2021 Global Risk Report, published this week by the World Economic Forum, reveals that environmental concerns including climate change and biodiversity loss – linked to the rise in global pandemics – are among the top long-term risks the world will likely face in the next 10 years.

Look who they quote, look who they cite as the source of the next pending disaster. The World Economic Forum, the same great folks bringing us The Great Reset.

Notice the trend in these articles?

Fear and confusion.

Fear the vaccine will cause you injury, while also scaring you into it over COVID-19. If you don’t get the vaccine, you’ll die they tell you, if you do, you might suffer some side effects.

Then the WHO tells us, ‘ahh, who knows if the vaccine will work’. Which means there is no solution to this false narrative.

Then the ol WWF provides us with propaganda from the World Economic Forum saying, the planet is toast if we don’t act now.

Fear, fear, fear, and I am sick of it all.

The same people scaring you, and driving fear are the same people flying around in private jets. The same people who live in mansions while they tell you to live in a “tiny home”. They do not care about the environment, that’s just a con, a way to bring about a new world order.

Start recognizing the lies people, and start reducing your exposure to the media. Your mind will rest much easier.

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