Joke Of The Day: 88 Percent Of Congress Is Christian

According to Pew Research, 88% of the 117th Congress is Christian. Raise your right hand if you believe this one. I see no hands in the audience.

These people are not really Christians, they are pretenders. Do you know how I can be so certain?

Look how they opened the 117th Congress in prayer.

  • Does that sound right to you?
  • Does that sound like an “ordained minister” you should listen to?

Our Congressmen and Senators continue to pass legislation to abort the unborn. To make the LGBT lifestyle seem acceptable, when God said homosexuality is a sin. God said that, so how can someone claim to be a Christian and go against our Father?

Well, obviously, that means they are fake Christians or ones so Biblically illiterate they probably cannot spell “Bible”.

Pastor: Biden Will Seek After The Heart Of God

Read this quote from Rev. Silvester Beaman who will provide the benediction at Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration tomorrow.

“I personally know that President Biden will seek after the heart of GOD, it has been his lifestyle over the years,” Beaman asserted.

Christian Post

His lifestyle?

You have got to be kidding me. Biden is for abortion and pushes the LGBT agenda, in fact, get ready for that to increase. Maybe Hillary Clinton will become Biden’s pastor, that would be just perfect.

Look, this is nothing new. This is not some startling revelation here. I mean the President leaving office said he never sinned. So let’s not act like this is some new abomination before God.

They Claim To Be Christian

But Brandon, they said they are Christian.

So what. If I claim to be a frog does that make me a frog?

No, it makes me a liar and a fool.

How many times do we need to cover it, what did Jesus tell you?

Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Matthew 7:20

You will know people by their actions. Words are just words. The actuality of something comes down to actions. If our Congress was truly Christian, they would pass Christian laws and remove laws that stand in the way of Christianity, but they never do that.

What did God say about people who come in His name?

Turn your Bible with me to,

Jeremiah 23:11
For both prophet and priest are profane; yea, in my house have I found their wickedness, saith the LORD.

God is unleashing on false prophets in this chapter.

Notice what He said, these imposters were in His House. They were in the church house playing church. They looked like pastors, spoke like pastors, claimed to be Christians, but they are not God’s pastors nor His servants.

Jeremiah 23:21
I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.

God did not send us men who claim to be men of God but work contrary to Him. He did not send them, and He did not speak to them. These are those who come in Christ’s name, but lie, (Matthew 24:5).

Jeremiah 23:22
But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings.

God clarifies for us here.

If these so called pastors and men and woman who call themselves Christians were Godly, they would hear God’s Words. They would turn from evil, but they have not, and they will not.

They are deceivers.

2021 is going to be one heck of a ride, strap in tight. God is in control.

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