Canadian Truckers Shut Down Ottawa, Send PM Trudeau Into Hiding

I just love it!

Hats off to the Canadian Truckers who have rallied together to form massive blockades on interstates and in Canadian cities. This is what real civil disobedience looks like! This is what real men and women do when their government removes their freedoms!

They rally together by the tens of thousands, and they get it done.

According to this video, yesterday afternoon, Canadian Truckers made the decision to dig in at the Montana-Alberta border. Essentially, blocking it. Other videos explain they opened one lane in each direction to comply with certain laws. This enabled them to stay indefinitely.

It’s tough to get information on what is really happening. In fact, the mainstream media was banned from the first Trucker press conference.


The mainstream media keeps lying and slandering the Truckers.

What else would you expect?

For now, if you visit, you will find lots of news.

You might like to know, these Truckers know the Lord, and have asked Him for His Will to be done. You might want to join them in prayer.

Fringe Movement?

Obviously, we are talking about this due to the vaccine mandates in Canada and around the world. Much of these are beginning to dwindle, but not in Canada.

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently called the Freedom Convoy, being the group of Truckers who are creating blockades a “fringe movement”.

He explained, there are only a few involved.

Even worse, listen to this…

Did you hear what the leader of Canada said?

Trudeau accuses the peaceful truckers of “hateful rhetoric” and “violence toward citizens”. While with a straight face saying Black Lives Matter is a good example of a peaceful movement.

This guy is certifiably insane.

What’s even more insane than that?

Trudeau who is twice vaccinated and boosted said this yesterday,

This morning, I tested positive for COVID-19. I’m feeling fine – and I’ll continue to work remotely this week while following public health guidelines. Everyone, please get vaccinated and get boosted.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Wait a minute here…

He tested positive after being double vaccinated and boosted, and he feels fine.

He feels fine?

We have mandates and lockdowns over a virus that when you get it, you feel fine.

Get out of here already!

  • If COVID is so bad, you shouldn’t need a test to know if you have it.
  • If COVID is so bad, then everyone who gets it should feel like they are about to die.

There should never be a moment when someone ‘feels fine’ when they have the world’s most deadly virus.

He then urges everyone to get vaccinated and boooooosted, which does not prevent you from getting sick.

Want proof?

Just ask hide-away Justin!

So what’s the point of it all, right?

To make matters worse, Justin is a coward! Trudeau has been taken into “hiding” out of fear of these rallies. The rallies he finds disgusting. Hey, if he was such a big, honest, and noble man…

Why not go meet the truckers?

Why not talk about it?

Only a real leader would do something like that, and no real leaders exist in our world.

No, instead Trudeau is whisked off into hiding where he can attempt to keep his lie alive.

The People Have The Power!

However, this is the real world.

This was Ottawa yesterday.

Does that look like a fringe movement to you?

These Canadian Truckers are not fringe.

They represent all of us!

They are not anti-vaccine. They are pro-freedom. They want each and every one of us to have a choice. That is real freedom.

Check this out.

The GoFundMe account for the Truckers has raised over $10 million dollars. That’s more than the entire country raised for their political parties last quarter!

The only fringe entity are the governments around the world who are still enforcing vaccine mandates. They are very clearly painting themselves as a target and enemy of the people. They are painting themselves as would-be dictators, and the people are not going to tolerate it anymore.

So don’t you ever be afraid to stand up for what is right. Never be afraid to do what is right for your fellow man and for God. You are watching proof that we can make a difference. The people have the power, you simply have to claim it!

Hold The Line

The Truckers and protestors are vowing to hold the line until the government removes these illegal mandates. If you know someone involved, give them some encouragement.

Go join them!

Increase the numbers.

Demand change, demand it now. Two years of their game is two years too many.

We the people are done with this tyranny.

What’s The End Game?

So I also want you to think about what is happening here…

Truckers are essentially on strike while blocking cities and interstates. If this gets big enough, and lasts long enough, supplies will start to become exhausted in the cities. This will force the Canadian government to take action, one way or another.

These protests look massive, but the effects they have on supply and demand are not yet known. Understand, that is the point of these protests. To dry up supply. Without trucking, the nations of the world come to a standstill.

Keep watching, keep praying, get active, make God proud!

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