Don’t Rush The New World Order

We’ve all heard this phrase a lot over the years, “new world order”.

As Christians, we associate that with the Last Days, and particularly the book of Revelation. You know, the scarlet beast with seven horns and ten crowns? Many Christians have jumped the gun over the years, pointing to just about everything as this beast.

Then, the Mark of the Beast has been cited as just about everything under the sun. Gorbachev was the beast, the pope was the beast, Obama was the beast, some even thought Trump was the beast. All those theories always turn out dead wrong.

So why are so many Christians dead wrong on such critically important topics?

They rush the Scriptures.

It’s understandable to a degree.

The world is a mess. We have all been saying that for years now, but year after year, it becomes a little worse. A little less Godly, a little more sinful.

So, I get it to a degree.

However, constantly being wrong is also a faith shaker for current Christians. Constantly being wrong also stains and taints our faith for non-Christians, who might otherwise pick up the Bible.

I mean, come on! If you were a non-believer, and all you see spouted online about Christians is doomsday stuff. Or this guy is the beast, or the beast is a computer, or a chip, or a vaccine, etc,..

Would you really read the Bible?

I sure wouldn’t.

Heck, when I hear we are all related to Adam and Eve, Noah’s flood was global, God knows our every move, and so on. It almost makes me run from the faith! Yet, I took the time to investigate such subjects in Scripture, and came to different conclusions.

Conclusions as a thinking person, that make sense, and I can accept.

I don’t know, I think most of us typically forget those aspects.

We just think, come Lord Jesus come!

Again, I get it, but as adults, and keepers of the Christian faith, we need to step it up a bit here.

Alright, we got that.

The Old World Order

So I want you to think about something for me today.

In order to understand the future, you have to understand the past, even the Biblical past.

In The Planned Financial Collapse Of The World, we talked about how the old world order or the current world order came into existence. The League of Nations was the first world body established after the First World War.

After the Second World War, it was replaced with the United Nations.

Now that right there, that was a groundbreaking event, one Christians never talk about. We have forgotten the past. We have forgotten, a partial new world order was established long ago. That included nearly all the world bodies that exist today.

From the World Health Organization, to the World Bank, and so on.

You want to take note of that.

Now in the 1940s, that was the new world order of the day. Today, it is the old world order, or current world order. The world was a much different place then than it is today. So looking at that world order, everyone agrees that it needs to be replaced with something else.

This is one of the reasons why we have conflict in our world. Nations of the world will gripe, the United States has an unfair trading advantage with other nations. This is due to the dollar being the global reserve currency.

Today, the dollar has no backing like it did long ago. At one time, it was backed by gold, but that is old news today. Yet, our nation still has the trading advantage without having a physical asset attached to the dollar.

Today, we just print our way to prosperity!

Of course, you cannot really do that.

For a while, sure.

Forever, no.

Don’t believe me?

Just go to the store, and see how far that buck gets you these days.

Old World Finance

Nevertheless, would-be economists, better said, doomsday economists have been predicting the end of the financial system longer than Christians have been predicting the Tribulation.

I have heard them all. Much of it sounds interesting, and sort of lines up with our beliefs. Yet, they always turn out to be dead wrong. As I write this, I think about the financial dooms dayers from back in 2008.

Today, some of these economists will tell you, the Central Banks are buying up everything, and that means the new world order is here. In so many words anyway.

Ahh, not quite.

The reality of it is, the Central Banks of the world have been doing that since 2008. It’s not okay, but it’s also not exactly the fear they are presenting at your Christian front door.

Take for example everyone’s favorite Central Bank. The not-so-Federal Reserve. Here is their current and historical balance sheet. As you can see, overall, it’s been going up with time, but it’s backed off here and there as well.

The Fed’s balance sheet contains real assets they purchased with funny money.

However, in the last several weeks, the Fed indicated, in order to reduce inflation, they will begin asset tightening. ie: Quantitive Tightening. So they are going to let some of these assets fall off their books. That goes counter to these so-called, financial economists we talked about.

Do not become confused here, the Fed is not our friend.

However, this whole money printing thing has gotten so out of hand, they have to reverse course.

If you followed that link, you can see over time, assets already fell off, until the whole COVID crash. Moreover, Central Banks around the world are raising interest rates in order to bring down global inflation.

Are Central Banks our friend, no!

My point is simple.

Everyone always wants to say the sky is falling, and good Christians always get suckered in. I am honestly just sick and tired of it. I really am.

To my point, since the Central Banks started buying assets back in 2008, shouldn’t the new world order have already happened?

With their logic, yes.

However, if you recall from history, much of these “loans” ie: bailouts were paid back to the Fed and Government. It still isn’t right, I am just making the point. It wasn’t the end of the world.

Today, we face many great financial doom scenarios. In fact, everyone is talking about it. Our nation is over $30 trillion in debt, inflation is at a 40 year high.

Our politicians have failed us once again.

What’s new about that?

Okay, with that said, I really hope you understand my point.

Let’s move on…

The New World Order

In the 1990s, it was U.S. President George Bush Sr. who said,

I think that was 1991.

In 1991, the President of the United States was talking about achieving the ambitions of the United Nations. The President was talking about a New World Order.

My friends, that was 31 years ago.

So my point, this is not an instant process.

Over the years, we heard other heads of state also utter this phrase, New World Order.

Yet, it all takes time.

Lots of time.

Today, the New World Order is shaping up faster than we have ever seen in the past. Today, it comes to us as Agenda 2030. It comes to us in the form of climate change initiatives. It comes to us in the form of uniform religion, where all religions are equal.

Together, oneness, and so on.

Boy, what a crock!

Puke, gag, and throw up already.

All of that only applies if you are on board with the world’s modern version of morality.

You see, our so called leaders venture into these realms as they do not have God.

So without God, who needs morality?

Now, think about Agenda 2030…

You know what they say, there is a little truth in everything.

While the globalists have taken these things to the extreme…

  • Is there any denying mankind has polluted the world?
  • Is there denying our numbers are increasing rapidly?

My children and I were doing some numbers on the world’s population yesterday, and it was pretty staggering. I might make that subject an article, but something does have to change in the world.

Otherwise, mankind is going to destroy himself.

I don’t know when, but I just know it’s inevitable, without God.

The funny part here, that is probably right about where God wants us before He brings this whole show to an end. Let mankind wallow in the misery they created, without Him.

Until they have nothing left, but hopelessness and despair.

That would make it obvious, Satan’s world is a failure, but God’s will be successful.

The New World Order Is Evolving

So while the New World Order is unfolding, it’s not here right this second.

If it were, where are the Ten Kings from Daniel?

  • Related study, “Daniel’s Vision: The Ram And The Goat”

What about all the other prophecies?

I think we should be excited about where we are Biblically speaking. However, we must ensure we do not leave out the Bible in our eagerness for Christ’s Return.

You know, all of these thoughts have been rolling around in my head. However, they were truly brought forward by this article at RT today.

Senator of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Commission on Information Policy and Interaction with the Media of the Federation Council Alexey Pushkov said,

America’s political and financial elite “believe that they are the only ones who can run the world,” and do not intend to let anyone else take the helms. “So, until a new world order is established in which the US is weaker and its role is diminished, we will be in more or less acute political conflict with them.”

Pushkov’s statement was in response to Biden’s panic about Ukraine.

Under Biden’s weak leadership, we have catastrophes building everywhere. Ukraine and Taiwan which could draw us into a war with Russia and China. At least, that’s what our corrupt governments and media want us to believe.

I feel a lot of this is cover for the COVID truth coming out all over the world.

Another story, for another article.

The point here, world leaders all understand there needs to be a renegotiation of the old world order. Mankind is much different today, we are too advanced and must work more closely together for the betterment of all.

I am quite sure they were saying the same thing at the Tower of Babel.

Of course, this is all part of God’s Plan.

Count yourself blessed to know that.

Back to that quote…

Do you notice the dispute Pushkov’s had though?

It’s about who gets to control the world.

Who gets to control the earth for a blink of time.

It’s all pretty silly isn’t it?

I tell you what, I don’t want any of these nut jobs calling the shots for anyone of us.

Think about the financial doom we just discussed. It was these wild cats who made it happen to begin with. All based on their own greed and desire for power.

Speaking of power over the people, how about the COVID pandemic?

Disagree with the narrative, your voice is banned.

That doesn’t sound like any new world order I want to be a part of.

George Soros?

That brings me to everyone’s favorite creeper.

George Soros.

This guy has been behind more campaigns that run contrary to God than I can keep track of.

Yet, even Soros was talking about the dire state of the world, while ragging on China.

Read what he said, but this jumped out to me.

Interestingly, the Coronavirus reinforced the advantage repressive regimes enjoy by legitimizing the use of personal data for public control purposes.

Soros didn’t seem to be okay with overreaching government.

I was a bit surprised by that.

Soros may not agree with that, but he promotes LGBT and basically the eradication of all that is Godly. The guy is not our friend. Yet, I point this out so we understand how fractured our world really is. All these big shots all have different beliefs as to where our world should be.

The one thing always missing though, is God.


So, the New World Order is not yet a reality.

However, it is certainly unfolding before our eyes. We can see that, as nations of the world coordinate and implement the same agenda. They have the same responses to crises.

So yes, the New World Order is unfolding.

It’s evolving day by day.

Yet, there is much division between nations as to the direction it should go. No one wants to give up power. Negotiations involving a New World Order will mean massive change for the world. Think about and consider that.

It’s going to take some time. It’s been 31 years since Bush Sr. promoted the New World Order. Today, the current target for much global change is slated for (Agenda) 2030.

That’s another 8 years away.

Our world is, and will continue to change in profound ways from today, forward. Yet, we must be patient. We must be steadfast in our love for God and understanding of His Word. We must never forget to nurture and bring up the young in Christ.

That is why we are here.

To follow Him, and bring the Bible forward.

To ensure as many as possible can obtain God’s Everlasting Kingdom. We can do that by not becoming distracted by every evil event that comes along.

We can do that by staying focused on God, which is the most important thing.

Who can argue with that?

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