National Identity, Morality, Freedom Are Vanishing, But Why?

The rate at which national identity, morality, and freedom are declining around the world is stunning to witness.

We should know, this is not by accident.

Instead, this is a carefully crafted plan to transform our entire world into something else. A New World Order if you will.

  • No longer do we adhere to our traditional customs.
  • No longer do we let the Bible be our moral guide.

Instead, our culture and customs were long done away with. Chalked up as a relic of the wicked white man and his false God they tell us.

Today, we embrace all sorts of once abominable thoughts. We are told we need to respect and promote other sexual identities and cultures, to make them feel accepted.

What about our culture?

We tear it down.

Your statues come down, your values come down.

Islamic Culture

Why it was just 20 years ago when our nation rallied together against Islamic extremism. Our nation invaded the Middle East, including Afghanistan. Americans and the West despised Islamic fascism.

Do you know why?

Your government and media told you too. 24/7 they told you how rotten those Arabs were. 24/7 they told you we had to stop the terrorists over there, so they didn’t come over here. This reasoning justified the war.

Even when I was younger I thought that was a stupid line, but, it worked!

Ironically enough, today, our government brings them over here, while our media tells us we should be sensitive to Muslim beliefs.

Do you see how the story changes with time?

It changes to fit the stage of the plan.

I mean, if the government, media, megacorps, and education systems all believed we should embrace other cultures…

Then why bother ol Mohammed Tariq?

I mean he is an Afghan refugee as our government puts it. Our government brought this guy over here. Yet, while Tariq was on a Marine base, he was caught molesting a 3-year-old girl. He rubbed her chest, private parts, and butt.

According to records, Tariq said, he didn’t do anything wrong, as this behavior is “part of his culture”.

So there you have it.

If we are supposed to embrace everyone’s culture, then why not embrace this one?

You see, this whole “embrace other cultures” is a bunch of horse business. Our government, media, megacorps, and education centers preach this so we erase our own heritage. They don’t really believe what they preach, they just want to radically change our world.

Yet, there is a breaking point, where we all say, to hell with it, that’s enough, and rebel to the death. They know that, that’s why our nations slowly change over time. They slowly accept these looney liberal ideas over time.

It’s not instant.

So how did we get to where we are now?

Coordinated Conditioning

To understand that, you have to realize there are multitudes of global organizations.

As you have heard me explain many times, these were formed in the 1940s. These global organizations actually sound good in some parts of their verbiage. That’s actually how they are able to recruit and promote their agenda for the world.

For example, think of climate change.

While there is no real rise in temperature from mankind. We have certainly done a great job at destroying the earth for profit, (Revelation 11:18). I am talking about pollution, the overuse of resources, and so on. All these resources are not going to last forever.

I mean, how many televisions and cars do you have?

Multiply that by everyone in our nation.

Now the world…

You get the idea?

So with these good concepts, they reel in our youth, who are then brainwashed with time until they too become radicals for the global agenda. If you have ever seen the movie “The Time Machine”, you can think of The Morlocks as the globalists, and we as the brainwashed Eloi.

How does this brainwashing happen though?

Through outreach programs. Things like NGOs, the enormous U.N. system that is funded by your government, and so on. Also, through our education systems.

Here’s a prime example.

It’s our education system and mainstream media that dumb down and brainwash the population the most.

Who owns the mainstream media?

The ultra-rich.

As this propaganda matures with time, our government then promotes these planted agendas upon us, as we are now more accepting of them. Overall as a population that is.

There is a great lesson here in how this occurs from our former KGB friend.

It only takes several months to condition a population to some agenda.

  • If the COVID paranoia just popped into your head.
  • If 9/11 popped into your head, you are on the right track.

Now, let’s answer those questions.

  • How did we get here?
  • How does this happen to society?

It’s not by accident. It’s not by chance.

Instead, it’s a carefully coordinated plan as Mr. KGB explained.

Let’s listen to this 2017 clip of Mr. Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum tell it.

Did you catch that?

Schwab said, “we penetrate the cabinets” of nations around the world.

That means, they ensure people sympathetic to their causes are a part of our governments. We have been explaining this stuff for years. These people admit it, but we all turn a blind eye.

Do you know why we do that?

We have been conditioned to accept one political party or the other.

Controlling The Game

There are just two options.

You see, it’s easier to control the outcome of the game, with less players involved.

It’s like a football game. My team is red, yours is blue, and even though the red team pushed the blue guy down. We didn’t see it, because the red guy, is on our team.

Ah, but that’s where we have made a great error!

That is the illusion we have been conditioned to accept.

In reality, the red team, and the blue team play for Mr. Schwab, and other globalist pukes.

Let’s face it, they have the money, you have nothing.

We actually have the power, but we don’t realize it.

In their eyes…

You offer the ultra-rich nothing, except, your labor to work in their businesses. You can almost think of it like the coal miners who worked so they could shop at the “company store”. This is why the COVID bailout money ended up in the hands of the richest. It’s how they were able to increase their wealth exponentially, while your wealth and small business dried up.

You offer the politician nothing, except, a vote. Which of course, they may no longer need after looking at the last go-round.

So what do they need you for?

Sorry folks, it’s the brutal truth.

Though not many of us like brutal honesty.

No, we would rather be padded on the head and told we matter, and that we are important.

If that were true, then the culture of the United States, and the culture of your nation would still stand. There would not be a constant attempt to remove your racist and bigoted Christian culture from the history books.

That’s right, it’s that old adage Christ gave us. You will know a man by his fruits, (Matthew 7:18-20). Translation: If a man hugs you, but wedges a knife in your back. He is probably out to get you.

Ah, but I digress.

How about another case in point?

Why that’s so racist, no one even notices it!

Imagine if the headline said, “white woman” instead of “black woman”.

We would be up in arms!


Pray tell!

You were conditioned to be up in arms!

We are so conditioned, we didn’t even notice the sexism in that headline.

Oh, some of us may go home and mumble among our family members about such headlines. But, we dare not say anything outside of that circle. No-Sir-Ree-Bob, outside of our circle, someone might have a problem with that. We might even be called, “racist” or a “bigot”.

Once again displaying, we have all been conditioned to accept a preconceived outcome.

Welcome, to the New World Order.

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