Canceled: Dr. Seuss Books Deemed “Racist And Insensitive”

*** UPDATE: Amazon’s top 50 books consist of 33 Dr. Seuss books. Apparently people do not like “cancel culture”, only the mainstream media and foolish institutions. Cancel them, stop supporting the people who hate you.

It’s official, I have heard it all now. Six Dr. Seuss books have been canceled as they contain, “racist and insensitive imagery”. Folks, didn’t you know everything is “racist and insensitive” these days?

Let’s hear it from the professionals.

“These books portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong,” Dr. Seuss Enterprises told The Associated Press in a statement that coincided with the late author and illustrator’s birthday.

That’s right.

Someone might misconstrue something they read in one of Dr. Seuss’s books, which could damage their wittow duck feelings.

If you want to dig and think hard enough about something, then I am sure you can invent some kind of racism from “Green Eggs And Ham”.

I mean, why did it have to be GREEN eggs?

What if there were green people, what about people with green tattoos? We wouldn’t want to “exclude” anyone. By gosh, that might be considered racist, and what about ham? Isn’t that insulting to pigs, what did they do!?

For Heavens sake people, someone slap the world out of its stupor!

You are dying to know, I know you are, here are the six banned books.

  • And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street
  • If I Ran the Zoo
  • McElligot’s Pool
  • On Beyond Zebra!
  • Scrambled Eggs Super!
  • The Cat’s Quizzer

“Ceasing sales of these books is only part of our commitment and our broader plan to ensure Dr. Seuss Enterprises’ catalog represents and supports all communities and families,” said Dr. Seuss Enterprises.

By the way, when you hear about these actions being done to support “all communities”, and so on. They mean all except for Christians. You are excluded, make no mistake about that one my friends.

Now this part is very serious.

These are baby steps right here, to one day put together an effort to ban the Bible. Let’s face it, the Bible talks about slavery, sex, homosexuals, race, and so on. “Insensitive” content to some, “harmful” content for others (the wicked). One day, if God tarries, they are going to come after God’s Word.

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