
I’m going to take you verse by verse through the book of Colossians.

Let’s begin with an introduction.


The Apostle Paul, while in-prisoned in Rome.


Around 60-70 AD.

Colossians Summary

The book of Colossians will teach us about praying for other Christians and overcoming the power of darkness through Jesus Christ. The book is addressed to the Saints of Colosse, and it was to remind them, and us today, to lay up our hopes in Heaven. Paul will even reveal a mystery of God, not to mention, intimate details about Jesus Christ.

Colossians reminds us to never allow the enticing words of men to deceive us from the hope that’s in Christ. Then just as today, vain philosophy attempted to pervert the mind of the Colossians away from God. Yes, the Colossians dealt with the same struggles we do today.

Therefore, we are to stay established and rooted in our faith. This book will ground you in our faith by imploring you to seek after the things above. We are to seek Heavenly rewards, and to remove ourselves from worldliness, as it only seeks after the wrath of God. While we once lived in the world ourselves, we are a new man or woman in Christ.

We’ll even learn a critical point of our Christian faith and salvation. “There is neither Greek nor Jew” as we are all one under God, and He doesn’t play favorites. We learn blood sacrifice was nailed to the cross and what that entails. We’ll even learn a little about the elect of God, and how they are to conduct themselves.

Colossians doesn’t stop there.

It explains that love is akin to perfectness, and wives should submit to their husbands. I’ll iron out all those details. This book will even declare how we are to treat those who work under us. This applies to business owners and bosses in the modern era. Christians are implored to always deal honestly with others, and be ready to answer questions about our faith to help it spread.

Above all, we are to walk in the wisdom of Christ, standing firm and complete in our faith. As you study along, place yourself in their shoes in order to reflect, and apply what you learn to your daily life.


Colossae is located in the center. South east of Sardis, next to Laodicea.

Book of Colossians Commentary

Colossians 1

We learn to pray for others and overcome darkness through Christ. We’re reminded our hope is in Heaven, while uncovering a mystery and intimate details of Jesus.

Colossians 2

We’re reminded to stay rooted in Jesus who nailed ordinances to the cross. Never allowing man’s vain philosophy to sway us from Christ and our Heavenly rewards.

Colossians 3

We learn we’re all one under Christ, love is akin to perfection, about the family, and removing worldliness from our lives. Never lying, instead be as the elect of God.

Colossians 4

We discover how to treat those working under us, to deal honestly, and continue in prayer. To always speak with grace, while answering questions about our faith.

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