Will A World At War Fulfill Prophecy?

For decades, there’s been relative peace between nations.

Have you thought about that?

Don’t get me wrong, there have been wars. Yet, those wars were primarily waged against so called terrorist factions. Nevertheless, nations have not been at war with each other for decades.

That is, until now…

Just two years ago, Russia invaded Ukraine. Now, there’s a whole back story here that I’ve talked about, but I’ll save the rehash so we can focus on the subject at hand. Just know, this single event has fractured a world already broken in half.

This is a very important concept to grasp…

For the first time in decades, our world is engulfed in war, that is, nation against nation.

It’s not just Russia and Ukraine…

  • It’s Russia, Europe, and the United States.
  • It’s Iran, Israel, and the United States.

My friends, there are skirmishes erupting all over the globe.


For control of the global order.

It’s what every power hungry man has ever dreamed of. History books are filled with accounts of nations conquering nations, only to press on to conquer more. Today, it seems as if we’ve reached a new epoch.

What am I getting at?…

The global order that was established back in the 1940s is clearly tearing at the seams.

There’s no doubt in my mind, this global order has suffered a major setback. We all witnessed this during the last four years, it first appeared in the form of global lockdowns where the freedom of citizens was stripped away, in an instant.

This global order is, in fact, the Western world order. It’s the United States who has spread itself around the world to promote “peace,” so we’re told. Yet, wherever our nation goes, we involve ourselves in the affairs of others, all to promote our own agenda and ideals.

That may sound good on paper, yet our morals and ideals have become corrupted. Our agenda is not righteous, but devious. God is no longer our beacon of light. Instead, we embrace men and elevate them above God. You see, politics has become a religion to most Americans, and God’s in last place.

We were told this day would come…

We were told, “In the last days perilous times shall come,” (2 Timothy 3).

The last four years have been filled with peril, have they not?

We were warned…

Men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy.

Does that not define our “Western” world order, our Western society?

Today, in these perilous times, we are “Without natural affection” for our fellow man. We continually break our “truces” with others, and we “falsely accuse” others to save our own skin. Our Western society “despises those that are good.”

In fact, we’re “traitors” to our faith…

We quickly embrace what the world offers, while trying to rationalize our faith which typically means, we distort it, so we can fit in with the world. Specifically, our Western culture. A culture that has permeated throughout the entire earth.

My friends, we’ve become “highminded,” and “we love pleasures more than God,” though most people won’t admit it. The fact that our world and nation are crumbling before our eyes, morally and spiritually is our proof.

These simple facts clearly display a collapsing nation, a collapsing global order, due to our nation veering so far away from God, I don’t see it ever turning back to Him.

All of this has been on my mind in light of the raging war with Russia…

You see, just days ago, Russia signed a defense pact with North Korea. According to sources, the near alliance includes a clause for “mutual defense if either is attacked.”

Now, why would Russia align itself with North Korea?

  • To build yet another ally who is already aligned against the West.
  • To build sides, and for North Korea to provide Russia with more arms.

Then, just days later, Putin visited Vietnam to signed yet another agreement. Essentially, these are unprecedented trips, and unprecedented agreements, all during a time of heightened global tensions. In my mind, Putin understands the West will not give up their fight over Ukraine.

My friends, just leave on the table your feelings about this whole saga, let’s just focus on the big picture.

The big picture is war, and a struggle for global hegemony.

Just last week Russia deployed a nuclear capable submarine to Cuba, that raised alarm bells in Washington. To be fair, the United States already has nuclear weapons on Russia’s doorstep.

It’s fool hearty to think, nuclear weapons could not be used if this war continues to escalate. Putin see’s a Russian defeat in Ukraine as the end of his 1,000 year old nation. An option he seems unwilling to accept. On the other hand, the West seems aligned to press forward and help Ukraine no matter the cost.

In fact, NATO — which is simply another word for the United States — is developing plans for more U.S. troops in Europe, in case they are needed in Ukraine. In my mind, that hardly seems like an option.

It seems as if no one is really thinking about this crisis, and what it means for our world…

How it reminds me of the words of Jesus Christ, (Matthew 24)

“…Ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.”

There have always been wars…

However, how can we forget about the worst of them all, WWI and WWII.

Will there be a third?…

“For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.”

We were told, warfare would occur, it would even be a sign that Christ’s return is near…


“All these are the beginning of sorrows.”

As disastrous as this may sound, this would only be the beginning of our sorrows. War would simply be one of the many signs we would look for. Personally, I do not envision a world war filled with nuclear arsenals being unleashed across the globe, there would simply be nothing left…

However, at this moment in history, it seems cooler heads are not prevailing. It seems the only progress mankind is making, is toward more war and calamity. Will it continue, will it bring us to ruin and destroy the world order of today, paving the way for a new global order?

We don’t know and we cannot be certain…

However, considering the accomplishments of mankind, our unprecedented technological advancements, and our movement away from God. It makes you wonder if we are not finally approaching the fulfillment of prophecy.

Is a major war on the horizon?

If so, it just may be the one Christ forewarned us of. It just may be the event that breaks this world order, and establishes the next, which brings us ever so close to the time of the Antichrist.

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