Paris Is Burning Over Climate Change Taxes, Is America Next?

The headline is from this article I found at Forbes. The article points out how the U.N. wants a $240 dollar per gallon fuel tax by the year 2100. You really need to take a moment and read that article…

These are the people “running our world“. They are not crazy, maybe some of them are, but the ones truly in power are doing this in an effort to control the populations of the world and consolidate power.

Have we forgotten about the Georgia Guidestones already?

All of the nations and their precious U.N. have the same message. We as a global population, the citizenry are destroying the earth and causing man-made climate change.

I certainly believe we are causing damage to the earth through pollution, etc, but climate change?

Give me a break.

They said we were headed for global cooling in the 1970s. That did not happen. Al Gore told us the world would be boiling by now and that didn’t happen either. Turns out the polar bears are doing just fine.

These wack jobs even think you should be put in jail if you deny man-made climate change. You know, that used to be called global warming. Remember when they falsified the climate data to make it look like we had climate change?

Sure, you remember the fake emails.

They were published all over the interest less than 10 years ago, but hey, that was 10 years ago and in the modern age our attention span lasts about…

What were we talking about again?

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