COVID Checks Are Making Universal Basic Income Inevitable + Finance Talk

We have talked about Universal Basic Income in the past, in fact, back in August, we warned about the dangers of Universal Basic Income (UBI). The COVID Checks many received, that is a form of Universal Basic Income.

Let me rephrase that, it’s the introduction to it. We are being conditioned through “stimulus payments” to accept and welcome a universal basic income. In fact, they are already talking about a third COVID Check!

Then we have headlines like this,

Eventually, I am sure they will reload these cards with freshly inflated dollars. This is more conditioning of our mind for UBI.

Look, Universal Basic Income is not a solution to a problem. It is a solution to cover a problem. The problem is our financial system is dead. I can hear them now,

Your nuts Brandon! The stock market is at an all time high!

Of course it is.

The Federal Reserve is buying large amounts of corporate bonds (stakes in companies), mortgage bonds (stakes in mortgages), other bonds, and Treasury Notes. The private Federal Reserve’s purchase of Treasury Notes allows the Federal Government to spend more money, money they do not have to simplify it.

The Fed has also lowered the interest rate, all these measures are designed to prop up the stock market, and keep it from collapsing, for now.

Due to these measures, we are witnessing massive inflation, from the stock market, to products, housing, and so on. For the record, our Republican and Democrat government created this problem for us.

However, our nation is not alone in this epic financial struggle, the rest of the world is consumed by the same problems, all by design.

God’s Thoughts On UBI

Now I know some of you are hurting financially, however, that does not mean we ask for, and push for socialist programs like COVID Checks or UBI.


That is not the American way, more importantly, that is not the Christian way.

For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

2 Thessolonians 3:10

If we are physically able to work, and we refuse due to laziness and make excuses for our laziness, then God’s Word said you should go hungry. God does not like slackers.

Therefore, Christians do not support programs like UBI. Such programs take from the man who works, and gives to the man who will not.

That is Socialism, the sister of Communism.

Federal Financial Intervention

All this Federal intervention into the markets is widening the gap between the upper, middle, and lower classes. In fact, the middle class is being wiped out.

How many stories have we heard now about Mom and Pop businesses being shut down due to the pandemic, yet the megacorps can stay open?

I am going to sidetrack myself, but that is by design so globalists can control all aspects of our life. They cannot control the Mom and Pop shop, so they put them out of business. Megacorps can and are controlled by globalists, so they are allowed to continue business as usual. I hope you see that.

Americans Are Using Their Retirement Savings

Now, these Federal financial policies continue to hurt the middle class. We see that in articles like this one.

Which states,

A majority of Americans — 60% — withdrew or borrowed money from qualified retirement plans since COVID-19 first arrived in the U.S., two-thirds of whom did so to pay for basic living expenses.

These Americans had to tap into their retirement plans in order to make ends meat. So we see they had to take from what they earned, in order to pay their way, due to a government manufactured crisis.

Now, for the people who are already poor, many of them have always been poor.

The financial problems of the pandemic really do not affect them. Many of them, the non-working that is, have received a handout for some time. Most poor people, not all, I said most, do not educate themselves. Look, I would know alright, I grew up in those neighborhoods. I just got out of them.

So many of these people will jump for joy at free money. I witnessed it growing up time and time again.

In fact, I have heard personal stories from people I know. They explained how some of these people have spent their new free government money. It’s been like a payday for them in fact! New toys and treats for themselves.

So think about what is happening here.

It is called a transfer of wealth. Money from the middle class is leaving retirement accounts to pay for necessities. The poor get free necessities from the government, ie: our tax dollars. This in turn dilutes the dollar through money printing, and makes those retirement dollars, and dollars in savings accounts worth less.

Do you see who is really being hurt here? The middle class.

This amounts to further transfer of wealth.

We know, all the bailout money eventually funneled up the chain to the mega rich. Hence why you have read so many articles about their wealth massively increasing.

To be clear, there is nothing wrong with being rich if you did it God’s Way, but let’s be honest here. A lot of the people I am referring too, certainly did not do that.

Average American Family Cannot Afford A Home

Next up, look at this article.

Despite the fact there are record low interest rates, people cannot afford to purchase a home.

You know why?

The market is inflated for one. For another, the Federal Reserve is buying those mortgage bonds which is… Propping up the housing market and leading to higher inflation.

Then we have the Federal Government forbearance program in place.

You remember that one…

Since the Federal Government manufactured this COVID-19 crisis, you have all these job losses. People cannot pay their mortgages or their rents. So the Federal Government said, “that’s okay, you don’t have to pay!”

While the Federal Government has said all along, you will have to pay back the rent you are behind on…

Now our Republican and Democrat government just bailed them out!

Here is an excerpt from that article.

Renters can get help with up to 12 months of back rent and utility bills, and potentially another three months of support if there’s still money available. In some cases, you can get funds to cover future rent payments, but only if there’s a plan to address any debts first.

A chicken in every pot, just what you always wanted. Signed, sealed, and delivered by your Republican, and Democrat elected officials, including the Republican President.

These people are destroying the financial future of those who earned their money. Those who are out there busting their hump each and every day.

Do you see how the world is distracted?

Many are busying arguing over politicians when there is a massive crisis waiting to burst all caused by the same people we are arguing over! It’s insanity.

Turn off the TV, turn off the websites, stop listening to the lies and distractions and start thinking for yourself. Open God’s Word and let some real truth seep into your mind.

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