California Now Bans Singing In Church And Some Personal Thoughts

California has now banned singing in church. Yes, it’s true! We have it right from the “COVID files“, a state-sponsored document. You have to read this for yourself.

COVID-19 Industry Guidance

Even with adherence to physical distancing, convening in a congregational setting of multiple different households to practice a personal faith carries a relatively higher risk for widespread transmission of the COVID-19 virus, and may result in increased rates of infection, hospitalization, and death, especially among more vulnerable populations. In particular, activities such as singing and chanting negate the risk- reduction achieved through six feet of physical distancing.

*Places of worship must therefore discontinue singing and chanting activities and limit indoor attendance to 25% of building capacity or a maximum of 100 attendees, whichever is lower. Local Health Officers are advised to consider appropriate limitations on outdoor attendance capacities, factoring their jurisdiction’s key COVID- 19 health indicators. At a minimum, outdoor attendance should be limited naturally through implementation of strict physical distancing measures of a minimum of six feet between attendees from different households, in addition to other relevant protocols within this document.

COVID-19 Files

Communist California

So now, if you live in the once-great state of California, you cannot sing in church and you better ensure there are only 25% in attendance or no more than 100 people in the building.

Christians, this is a blatant attack on your right to assemble and serve our Creator. COVID-19 has a 0.1% mortality rate. That is around the same rate for seasonal flu. COVID-19 is being used as a tool of manipulation to control the people, even by covering their mouths so they agree with the agenda.

Christians of all denominations must stand against this. We have some very healthy and wealthy denominations out there. It is high time they used some of their cash to fight this. Otherwise, we are going silent into the night.

That is truly how it feels. Hey, if its God’s Will, then let it be done.

Some Thoughts

I have to say, for years I have covered and written about the End Times. Yet, I have always tried to humble and remind myself… A day to God is a 1,000 years to us. That means in a blink of God’s eye, we are born and die.

Think about that…

I think to myself, what are the odds we will see the Tribulation? Could we really live at that unprecedented moment in time? It is one thing to think about such a day during good times, but now with things headed south you really wonder if we are going to see that day, or a lifetime of tyranny…

I mean look at world history folks. Millions died in all sorts of calamities over the years. Wars, famines, disease. Remember the world wars?

Yet, Jesus said the Tribulation will be the worse time of suffering ever. We have a long way to go yet until we match His words. So the fight in me never wants to give up.

I do feel if we are truly headed for a globalist utopia that will help fulfill Bible prophecy, we do not have to wait that long to see it unfold. We are already halfway through 2020 and look where we are. We are on the verge/experiencing renewed global lockdowns that will decimate the global economy. A perfect moment as they say to initiate The Great Reset.

Let’s just all pray that God guides each one of us, and helps to let us know where exactly this is all going so we can prepare mentally and or otherwise.

I know many are convinced this is the moment. Yet, I have seen well-respected Christians for years think the same thing about other events and time marched on. We know where it could be going, so let’s relax, stay in the Word, and pray, pray, pray.

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