NATO Will Be In A Fight With Russia: US Def Sec

The ol fear-o-meter was cranked up a couple more notches the other day.

Our esteemed U.S. Defense Secretary, Mr. Lloyd Austin was the cranker. Yes, the same Austin who forgot to tell his boss about the whole hospital fiasco a few weeks back. Well, now this fine chap is spreading more war doom across the world.

This time, thoughts of NATO tangling with Mother Russia.

Now, before I dive into all the details, NATO is already in a soft war with Russia. I mean, we’re over here funding Ukraine to the tune of billions and billions of dollars in military hardware. So we’re already at war, it’s just not full blown, no one wants a full blown war with nuclear powers.

At least, I don’t.

By the way, you don’t need to pick a side.

I keep seeing people do that. Folks on the left and right.

“It’s us against Putin.”

Come on, really?

It’s propaganda.

The U.S. government is over here telling you about the horrors happening on the other side of the globe, but they can’t even get their own flipping house in order!

Hello nelly, our southern border is still wide open, and our national debt is looking like a big mighty burden right now. But hey, we need to save Europe!

Give me a break people.

So back to Austin…

He recently spoke with the Republican-led House Armed Services Committee.

It was there where he laid it all out on the table…

We know that if Putin is successful here, he will not stop,” Austin said. “He will continue to take more aggressive action in the region. And other leaders around the world, other autocrats, will look at this and they’ll be encouraged by the fact that this happened and we failed to support a democracy.”


“We know” that?


How do we know that, and honestly, why do we care?


Now this opens up a whole can of worms I might crack later this month, but for now…

How does this affect you personally?

The Russian hasn’t done anything to you.

However, your government has caused your taxes to continue to rise by funding the war. Your government has caused more death, on both sides. By continuing to fund Ukraine, it means more death and destruction.

We don’t feel that, they do.

What we do feel, is inflation.

I love the last part of that quote from Austin…

He doesn’t want the world to see that we might not have supported a “democracy.”

So leaving your borders open and running up the debt is taking care of your own?

It’s politics, it’s about the ultra rich gaining even more power and wealth.

It’s about globalization.

More from Austin…

“If you’re a Baltic state, you’re really worried about whether or not you’re next,” he said. “They know Putin, they know what he’s capable of … And quite frankly, if Ukraine falls, I really believe that NATO will be in a fight with Russia.”


So there it is.

The clowns are running the circus!

We have no business in Ukraine, except for those pesky labs.

Buy hey, look the other direction would ya?

Then we have this from the NATO Secretary General…

“Ukraine has the right to self-defense. And it also includes strikes against legitimate military targets, Russian military targets outside of Ukraine. That’s international law, and of course, Ukraine has the right to do that to defend itself.”


So the head honcho of NATO is saying, Ukraine can use our weapons to target the Russian homeland.

Can you say, “Escalation?”

I’m starting to think these guys like Russian blood more than Lindsey Graham likes Iranian blood.

They’re all war mongers.

All of them.

So here’s the deal…

These guys talk a really big game. However, there ideas are completely bogus. The whole supporting Ukraine thing was trash from the get go.

Remember all the propaganda around it?

The video game footage sold as real events?

Then we had the Ghost of Kiev who never existed, and so on, and so forth.

Why did they put all that out there?

To brainwash you into supporting Ukraine.

How’s that working out?

Now, these same people who say, NATO might have to take up arms against Russia, are the same ones running your country into the ground.

But hey, you honestly think their idea is good this time?

You don’t really believe that, I know you don’t, my readers are too wise for that.

I mean, these guys are the one who say illegal immigration is a great thing. That is, until it shows up on their doorstep, then they don’t like it. Then they say, “Something has to be done to stop the flow of immigrants.”

*Cough* Eric Adams *Cough*

These are the same people who said,

“Hey man, we should legalize drugs man, far out.”

They did, in Oregon, and it’s turned into a hell hole!

There so many people strung out on drugs in Oregon, they’re reversing the law they passed!


It turns out, their great idea about legalizing drugs, wasn’t such a great idea after all.

Well, color me shocked!

You notice, they always figure these things out after the fact.

Leadership huh?

So hey, just because some goober dresses in a suite and obtains power doesn’t mean he’s a good guy. It doesn’t mean his ideas are good just because he’s an “American.”

Heck, what is an “American” these days anyway?

Ahh, don’t get me started.

So the deal is, the world continues to go down the tubes at break neck speed.

It’s like Jesus said,

Matthew 24:6
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

We’ve had wars since the dawn of time, but the two greatest were in the last 100 years.

Are we gearing up for another?

Matthew 24:7
For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

These are all the signs that indicate the Last Days are at hand, but guess what?

Matthew 24:8
All these are the beginning of sorrows.

They’re just the beginning of sorrows.

That means, the show is only beginning to play out.

Now, to tie into my thoughts from my last article, I want you to note what Jesus said in that first verse. I didn’t highlight it on purpose. I wanted to see if you could find some peace on your own.

Well, did you catch it?

Christ said,

See that ye be not troubled.”

That’s comfort, in a stormy sea of chaos.

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