Sanders: Illegal Immigrants Are “Entitled” To Government Benefits

Alright, so listen to this 1:17 second clip of Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders. Just do it already. The numbers and statistics he rolled out were accurate. The problem comes toward the end where Sanders explains that illegal immigrants should receive the same benefits as American citizens.

Do you believe that?

I sure hope not.

Bernie Likes Lawbreakers

You see the word “illegal” means “contrary to or forbidden by law”.

I think we are smart enough to know what that means. Maybe not sharpies like ol Bernie, but most of us know that means someone broke a law.

So when we hear the term “illegal immigrant” that means we have someone who broke our immigration laws. I know, this is really difficult stuff here. So difficult in fact, that I must translate “illegal immigrant” for you into the common liberal dialect.

Illegal immigrant in liberal means, “undocumented” or “undocumented immigrant”.

So that is what ol Bernie Sanders is getting at here alright?

He thinks lawbreakers are equal to you, and should receive the same benefits as you, the hard working American taxpayer. This by default means Bernie Sanders is crazy, worse yet, he is a liberal Socialist.

Bernie finds nothing wrong with that.

Socialism Does Not Work

In fact, he said,

“We’re very opposed to the authoritarian nature of Cuba, but, you know, it’s simply unfair to say everything is bad.”

Ahh, so Bernie thinks there are some good things about the Socialist government of Cuba. Maybe it’s their dismal healthcare system or their extreme poverty level he admires.

You know, Socialism has never worked, and it never will work. Just ask Venezuela where 33% of the citizens face hunger. Socialism and Communism are anti-freedom and anti-God.

But we are getting sidetracked here, this is not about Socialist countries right now, but Socialists who are attempting to gain the highest office in the land, the Presidency of the United States of America.

Bernie: ‘Illegal Immigrants Are Entitled To Government Benefits’

Bernie says at the end of the video,

“All of our people are entitled to basic human rights.”

That is the Socialist way, entitlement for those who do not deserve it. Socialists consider this a human right. Yet, when it comes to human rights of babies, let the babies be damned they say.

But those lawbreakers, they can have whatever they want.

The problem here is so vast I cannot explain it in a single article. However, the main problem with Socialism and Communism is there is only so much of our money to give away, and then the money runs out, and no one has anything.

Further, the entire concept of wealth redistribution is against God’s Law. Have we forgotten 2 Thessalonians 3:10,

“For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.”

Hey brother, if you are an able bodied man and are too lazy to work, well then, you are too lazy to have a hot plate.

Our Imperfect World

This is why Socialism and Communism have never worked, nor will they ever work.

Look Capitalism is not perfect either, and I hate the form it exists in today. Record upon record profits for a few folks at the top, and the rest of the employees make pennies. Then when the big wigs make a financial “mistake”, hey, we start losing the pensions that were promised to us, and so on.

That is not how it should work either.

Folks, we live in a very imperfect world, one that becomes less righteous by the day which means the people will not win. The common folk will not win. That is why Socialism is a false hope. It sounds real good on paper, but all it does it take, better said steal from one class and give it to another. This creates more division among the people called, “class warfare”.

When the people cannot work together, they cannot win, and who is the king of division, and who reaps the benefits of division, (Matthew 12:25)?

That would be our ultimate enemy, none other than Satan himself, (1 Peter 5:8).

Trump Will Win Re-election

For the record, Trump will win re-election. I think we have all known that for a very long time. I am not a Trump fan, I cannot stand politicians.


They are politicians who say great words during campaigns, but obtain amnesia after election and continue the agenda of the previous administration.

We like to call that globalism, you know, the united world government the Bible talks about…

Regardless, it is sad to see such radical left wing ideas being presented and flourishing in this once great nation.

At this point, only God can save us.

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