What About These Lives?

Look at this article from DISRN. Chicago suffered its deadliest day in 60 years with 18 murders in 24 hours. 18 murders in 24 hours people!

Cops did not kill these people and these people are black, more black on black crime the mainstream media does not want to tell you about. Pointing out these facts is not racism. Pointing out these facts with action would help correct a major problem in the black community.

Yet, we know Black Lives Matter has no intention of doing that. That would fix something, that would cause a positive change for black communities. Instead, Black Lives Matter is more focused on destroying the family unit and promoting homosexuality.

No wonder this black woman said Black Lives Matter is a joke.

If Black Lives Matter was truly concerned with the black community, if they were truly concerned with peace and not riots this would not be happening. We would see attention drawn to these 18 who perished.

If Black Lives Matter really cared, monuments in our country would not continue to be defaced and destroyed. If Black Lives Matter really cared, Los Angeles homicides would not be up 250%, nor would shootings be up 56% all during “protest” week.

More like riot week.

Folks, all you can do is educate your family and friends, and send prayers up for ALL PEOPLE, ALL RACES. God loves us all, He created us all and He certainly does not appreciate the division groups like Black Lives Matter are creating.

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