When Life Happens, Remember…

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

It’s really easy to be a good person when times are good. I mean you have it all!

You have great health, friends and family, the monies rolling in, but then life happens…

You know, when life blind sides you when you’re least expecting it.

Then, when you try to get up, life trips you. Just about the time you finally get back on your feet, life punches you square in the gut. Those are the really tough and difficult times. Those are the times that can really break a person if their weak in faith.

When we face times like this, it’s important to remember,

  • “All things work together for good to them that love God.”

That’s a promise from God to you.

No one has a perfect life, there’s always going to be hiccups and speed bumps. There will always be some difficult times, maybe even a lot of them. Yet, in the end, God’s going to ensure things work out for those who love Him.

However, you have to remain faithful to Him before this verse applies to you and your family. Hey, when storm clouds roll in and wreck your life. You cannot look into the sky and shake your fist. Instead, that’s the time we have to remember verses like this one,

Psalms 46:1
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

When the world throws doom, trouble, and enemies in your direction, God’s our refuge. God is our help during those troublesome times. Yet, you have to stay close to Him. You have to keep doing things His way, and talk to Him through prayer.

It may take some time, things may be tough for a while, but God will see you through them.

He promised that.

When we go through those bad and difficult times, they are what define you as a person. Anyone who goes through difficult times can give up and throw in the towel.

Anyone can do that.

  • Anyone can focus on the negative.
  • Anyone can cry their eyes out, day in and day out.
  • Anyone can turn their back on God when trouble and catastrophe strikes.

However, not just anyone can lift up their head and say, “God please help me out of this mess.”

  • God give me faith.
  • God give me peace.
  • God give me strength.

Not just anyone can do that, and remain faithful to God in the process.

But you can, and you will.

You’re going to remember verses like these the next time the winds of trouble blow in your direction. You’re not going to give up, and you’re not going to give in. You’re going to fight and claw your way out of the mess you found yourself in, and you’re going to praise God the entire time.

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