Worst Global Economic Collapse In 150 Years, A Perfect Storm

The World Bank blames this historic global economic collapse on the COVID-19 Pandemic. However, COVID-19 and its 0.1% mortality rate did not cause this, let’s be clear, it was the government’s response to COVID-19 that caused the greatest economic collapse in 150 years.

Second Wave… Of Defaults

While some have hope for a rebound in the economy next year, Yahoo News explains,

There is a risk a second wave of outbreaks could undermine the recovery and turn the economic crisis into a financial one that will see a “wave of defaults.”

After the Black Lives Matter riots that have spread throughout our nation, a second wave of COVID-19 seems all but inevitable as thousands upon thousands of people have broke social distancing guidelines. That will be the official narrative.

In reality, COVID-19 is not the killer it has been made out to be, instead, it is being used as a reason to destroy the current global structure. I encourage you to read The Planned Financial Collapse Of The World to truly understand that statement.

Dollar Crash

Yahoo News had another propaganda piece that explains the crash of the dollar is coming. They open the article stating,

The era of the U.S. dollar’s “exorbitant privilege” as the world’s primary reserve currency is coming to an end.

The dollar as the world’s reserve currency is a part of the current global structure. Its demise will lead to more globalization, not less.

The mainstream media is sowing seeds of destruction in your mind. This is how they operate, they slowly condition us to what is about to transpire. How do they know what is going to happen?

Mainstream Media’s Silence

As David Rockefeller once said,

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years… It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.” 

So there you have it. The mainstream media has been a part of the problem for as long as there has been a mainstream media. They have hidden the truth from you in order for a globalist agenda to be promoted. ALL mainstream media outlets have done this, not just those who lean left.

Right now, all we are hearing about is COVID-19 and riots. In the near future, the disaster called the global economy will become news.

Later this year if there is a hyped second wave, life could be shut down again which would be a perfect storm for the evil powers of this world.

Fed’s Repo Program

Remember the Federal Reserve Repo Loan program? That has not gone away, in fact, the Fed’s Repo loan program just saw a 230% increase week over week. If the economy was fine, this would not be required.

This ties right into The Atlantic’s piece about a coming bank collapse. These are not things to take lightly, the mainstream media appears to be prepping us for the idea of a massive global financial collapse.

Second Wave Of Lockdowns = Blow To Global Economy

According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), as reported by the Wall Street Journal,

A second wave of lockdowns to counter a resurgent novel coronavirus would deal a terrible blow to a global economy already facing a severe contraction.

Any second wave of COVID-19 and ensuing lockdowns is a phychological attack against the people. We know COVID-19 has a 0.1% mortality rate, so there is no reason for a second lockdown. If that happens, we will know without a doubt our own government is complicit with destroying our own system and way of life.

A Perfect Storm

When we combine all of these things, when we combine all the events of 2020 we see a perfect storm is brewing to bring about a knock out blow to the current global structure.

Remember, the current global structure was setup in the early to mid-1940s. The world is much different then as it is today. We will continually be told that as we see our nation and world continue in a downward spiral.

However, this is all by design, by design in order to bring about a new global order. While this will be a time of sorrow, it will also be the greatest moment in which Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

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