Denmark May Force Churches To Submit Sermons To Government

Denmark has proposed a new law that would require church sermons to be translated and submitted to the government. This would affect all sermons that are not in the native Danish language.

Denmark May Require Copies Of Church Sermons

Supposedly, the legislation is designed to control radical Muslim groups in the country.

Where have we heard that before?

There are obvious problems aside from the infringement on the free speech of the Danish. Anglican Bishop Robert Innes of the European diocese explains,

“Preachers don’t always write full text of their sermons, they might write notes,” Innes said. “They might preach extempore as the archbishop of Canterbury sometimes does and there are questions of idiom and nuance which requires a high level of skill in translation of course. It is a high bar. It is a skilled art and it is an expensive skill as well.”

Christian Headlines

What Innes explained is just plain common sense. Most pastors do not have a word for word sermon they deliver on Sunday.

Innes also feared if this legislation is adopted, other nations will create similar laws in their own nation.

This Is About Control

While the Danish people are being told by their government this is to protect them from radical Muslims, just who allowed so many Muslims into the nation, to begin with?

It would obviously be the government.

So we have the typical; problem, reaction, solution that government is always behind, which always seeks to remove more rights from the people.

If this passes, that is the end of Christianity in Denmark. The European nations already have a very watered down version of Christianity, as many of those nations have state churches. That is not much different than what China is now doing.

Denmark To Unveil Vaccine Passport

Here is yet another example of overbearing and radical government coming from Denmark.

Demark is preparing to introduce coronavirus vaccine passports to open up overseas travel by the end of the month, in what is claimed to be the first governmental immunity certification in the world.


In this case, instead of radical Muslims being the reason, COVID is the reason why some new draconian law must be implemented.

The government is not there to help you. The government is there to enslave you, and to ensure you conform to the global agenda that is being unveiled to the world at this very moment.

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