World Faces 4,000 COVID-19 Variants As Britain Explores Mixed Vaccine Shots

Folks, if I tried, I could not make up better headlines than this Reuters one. Instead of two or three, now there are roughly 4,000 COVID-19 variants out there.

I quite literally laughed at this headline. After all, it was just a few days ago when we wrote our article, COVID-21… The Never-Ending Saga.

So the saga continues!

Further, due to thousands of COVID-19 variants, the geniuses are now mixing vaccines together in order to combat the ever deadly, every spreading, COVID-19!

For the thinking people out there, I think we all knew there were many, many variants of COVID, just as there are many variants of the seasonal flu.

The other thing I wanted to throw in here, is the use of vaccine passports. We are seeing more and more of that being reported in the news.

This agenda continues to grow with intensity as the CDC now requires face masks for all people using public transportation. Other articles state this will be policed by federal authorities, and citizens will be fined for failing to comply.

Folks, this is not America, that is not how America works. No law was passed by the three branches of government. Executive Orders were decreed by the current king, I mean President.

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