Live For Today, Plan For Tomorrow

Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.

Proverbs 27:1

These are such important words to remember and live by. We all think and plan for tomorrow, but how often do our plans for tomorrow come to fruition?

Our Plans And God’s Plans

Just last night my friend and I were reminiscing about our college years. The decision to go to college was a good one for both of us. I knew that education would move me forward into a professional career, and it did. Yet, after those years of college, and years as a professional, I now walk a different path.

I guarantee you, the Lord is not going to transfer my credits or work history. All jokes aside, this is one simple example of how we can make plans for tomorrow, but we should never forget that our Heavenly Father also has plans, plans that are far more important than our own.

Live For Today, Plan For Tomorrow

I want this verse to remind you that we should plan for tomorrow, but we should not live there. We should live for and enjoy today. Enjoy the health that we have today, enjoy the family and friends that we have today, because tomorrow, may not be there.

Never, ever take anything in life for granted.

When you plan for tomorrow, make sure our Heavenly Father is a part of your plan. You can do that by reaching out to Him in prayer. Tell Him your thoughts and plans, and ask Him to lead you on the proper path for His Kingdom and your family.

Let God Be Our Focus

When you think about your plans for tomorrow, always remember that we want God to be the center and focus of our life. The world we find ourselves in is very temporary, when our time here is over, we enter God’s Kingdom which is everlasting, (2 Peter 1:11).

Anything we accumulate on earth through our master plan stays on earth, being passed on to someone else, (Ecclesiastes 2:4-17). The only thing we can take back to Heaven is our works, our righteous acts for God, (Revelation 20:12). Remember that, and never leave God out of your plan, because tomorrow is promised to no one, (James 4:13-15).

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